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Responses: 4
CPT Jack Durish
...and it was a good suggestion. There is no possible way to vet the Syrian refugees. We can't afford and don't want a repeat of the scenes playing out all over Europe today, do we?
Cpl Mark McMiller
Cpl Mark McMiller
>1 y
SSG John Thornton - Fear doesn't enter into it. Prudence is the appropriate word. The director of the FBI has admitted that they know there are terrorists posing as refugees but they have no way to determine which are the terrorists. Knowing that but still thinking its a good idea to let the refugees in anyway is just stupid.

But you know what, even if there weren't terrorists involved, I still wouldn't let them in. And it has nothing to do with hatred of them. It's because Islam is not compatible with our Constitution or our values. And if you don't believe that, go ask one of your Muslim friends whether they would place our Constitution over their Sharia law. The response you will get is that no, they won't, because our Constitution was written by men but Sharia is the word of Allah.
TSgt Cyber Systems Operations
TSgt (Join to see)
>1 y
You could not be more wrong about the vetting process for Syrian refugees, in fact they are the most scrutinized of all refugees. Is the process perfect? No, but find me one government process that is.

The vetting process is a lengthy one, and there are no flood doors being opened for anyone regardless of the country they are leaving.

Here's the info I found

Cpl Mark McMiller
Cpl Mark McMiller
>1 y
SSG John Thornton - You really are a dumb ass.
Cpl Mark McMiller
Cpl Mark McMiller
>1 y
TSgt (Join to see) - Every step in the "vetting" process that the article talks about depends on a refugee having a background that can be checked. But other than a refugee's word that they are not a terrorist, there is no background that can be checked because they are fleeing a war torn country. That article seems to me to be nothing more than spin put out by the white house to placate those that don't ask hard questions about how they are performing the vetting processes without any information to go on. It really doesn't surprise me that the article is from Time.
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PFC Alexander Oliveira
bullshit this was just a suggestion. its on his website as a campaign promise.
SPC Andrew Griffin
SPC Andrew Griffin
>1 y
yes it was
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PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Good Point. His Hardline Supporters will say that he is just prepping for the General Election and appearing to be more Moderate. His Iffy supporters will start to doubt themselves. Most of Us are Clueless about what he really means and or intends. If I take him at his Original Word while Courting the Far Right for the Primary he is the Worst Fascist since Mussolini.
SPC Andrew Griffin
SPC Andrew Griffin
>1 y
You are right!
Capt Gregory Prickett
Capt Gregory Prickett
>1 y
"[H]e is the Worst Fascist since Mussolini."

Which is why I'm not voting for the GOP candidate, for the first time since I cast my first vote for president, for Ronald Reagan, in 1980. I'm voting Libertarian this time.
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