Posted on May 12, 2016
'We could have been there': Squadron member speaks out on stalled Benghazi response | Fox News
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
"Now ask me if I believe this guy "
Which guy? Who is he? How do we know he exist and not a figment of the reporters imagination?
If this person was telling the truth, why hasn't Trey Gowdy called him in to testify. Gowdy has been trying for a number of years to hang something on HRC and/or the administration to no avail.
Also, I never take the word of an anonymous source.
Could more have been done? Possibly. But I see no nefarious motives here. It was a terrible tragedy, but certainly not intentional.
Which guy? Who is he? How do we know he exist and not a figment of the reporters imagination?
If this person was telling the truth, why hasn't Trey Gowdy called him in to testify. Gowdy has been trying for a number of years to hang something on HRC and/or the administration to no avail.
Also, I never take the word of an anonymous source.
Could more have been done? Possibly. But I see no nefarious motives here. It was a terrible tragedy, but certainly not intentional.
SGT Edward Wilcox
Being a "liberal" and being a veteran are not mutually exclusive, any more than being a "conservative" and being a veteran.
I have no oath to fellow veterans. The oath I swore was to protect and defend the Constitution. Having said that, my "belief" in fellow veterans and my political views are, also, not mutually exclusive. It isn't, as you would have us believe, an either/or proposition.
I agree with the Master Sargent, I usually don't put a whole lot of stock in anonymous sources. I read the story, and have to wonder what reprisals this source is afraid of. What I find interesting is that there are now 2 people who claim that a response and rescue were possible, yet neither has been called to testify before the latest tribunal...sorry, committee. What is Rep. Gowdy afraid of? Why doesn't he subpoena these men? Things that make you go hmmm....
I have no oath to fellow veterans. The oath I swore was to protect and defend the Constitution. Having said that, my "belief" in fellow veterans and my political views are, also, not mutually exclusive. It isn't, as you would have us believe, an either/or proposition.
I agree with the Master Sargent, I usually don't put a whole lot of stock in anonymous sources. I read the story, and have to wonder what reprisals this source is afraid of. What I find interesting is that there are now 2 people who claim that a response and rescue were possible, yet neither has been called to testify before the latest tribunal...sorry, committee. What is Rep. Gowdy afraid of? Why doesn't he subpoena these men? Things that make you go hmmm....
MSG Stan Hutchison
PO2 Mark Saffell - First and foremost, I agree with Sgt. Wilcox,, being a liberal and being a veteran are not mutually exclusive.
Second, I am interested in the facts of the case. I see a lot of supposition and finger pointing but the facts, so far, support HRC and the administration.
Third, there are always some troops that, probably from listening to scuttlebutt, voice opinions that have no basis in fact.
Fourth, I was attracted to this site because I heard posters here stuck to the topic and did not resort to personal comments about other posters. Perhaps I heard wrong?
Second, I am interested in the facts of the case. I see a lot of supposition and finger pointing but the facts, so far, support HRC and the administration.
Third, there are always some troops that, probably from listening to scuttlebutt, voice opinions that have no basis in fact.
Fourth, I was attracted to this site because I heard posters here stuck to the topic and did not resort to personal comments about other posters. Perhaps I heard wrong?
PO2 Mark Saffell
Sorry guys. I get hammered on here so often by people that try to defend HRC and the video and so tired that people automatically take the side of politicians. Yesterday I had long arguments with a person that basically claimed the men that where wounded and rushed to the aid where lying and that person believed HRC and Obama and when it comes to believing and putting my life in the hands of fellow veterans or Obama and HRC. Its NO CONTEST. And your post sounded like the same ole dribble. Sounded like a person that would rather call veterans that where there liars to believe in and protect HRC and Obama. My oath wasn't to a person. it was to the country and my fellow shipmates. If you read the posts on here you will see there are a few that will toss military under the bus to protect HRC. I lived and served during the Cold War in the shadow of Vietnam when we where not allowed to travel in uniform because of the anti-war people that sorry to say where mostly liberals that had ran to Canada to avoid the draft. Not saying some conservatives didn't do that also but least they didn't spit on us.
MSG Stan Hutchison
PO2 Mark Saffell - I also lived and served during the Cold War (1964-1986), including a tour in Vietnam (1968-1969). I always traveled in uniform, across the US, and around the world.
One of the main things I learned in my career is that far too many troops believe rumors and don't bother to check the facts.
I am not trying to defend anyone. I am interested only in the facts. Rumors and innuendo are not facts.
One of the main things I learned in my career is that far too many troops believe rumors and don't bother to check the facts.
I am not trying to defend anyone. I am interested only in the facts. Rumors and innuendo are not facts.
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