Posted on May 10, 2016
After the Pacific Ocean swallows villages and five Solomon Islands, a study blames climate change...
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 5
I don't have a problem with the idea of climate change. For as long as this planet has existed, the climate has changed. The problem I have is that some people blame humans for changing the climate, as if there has never been any climate change until people started driving cars.
I think it is an Issue. Just as the Scientist did at Navy Research Labs did while I was in DC. They started Sounding the Alarm quite some time ago. Just that we have Companies that have plenty of Propagandist trying to keep people from realizing the folly of their industries. I understand their Monetary Interest and wanting to Milk their Product for every last dime but it does come at a cost.
Col Joseph Lenertz
It is certainly an issue of the day. I think the alarmists hurt themselves when they include numbers like 49 feet by 2100 in their article though. They lose all credibility.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Col Joseph Lenertz - Probably right with the numbers but being that most of Florida is only 6 ft above sea level, It doesn't bode well for my Grandchildren visiting their Great Grandmothers House in Melbourne, FL When they get old, Unless they want to go diving on it.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
Col Joseph Lenertz - With the Cost to Maintain Navy Shipyards and the Prohibitive Cost to relocate one. This will always be a Significant Issue for the Navy.
Col Joseph Lenertz
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel - You raise legitimate concerns, unlike the article. In 100 years, your granchildren will be middle-aged, and the sea level will be 10 inches (at current rates) higher. Nothing close to 6 feet. So I wouldn't recommend diving off of it. There might be only a few inches of water coming up to the first step, and they'd break their neck. It still deserves attention, but calm, rational analysis of alternatives. The most cost-effective solution may be dykes, stilts, or relocation, depending on where you live. Orders of magnitude cheaper than a ban on CO2.
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