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Responses: 3
MAJ L. Nicholas Smith
First, hats off to Prince Harry who has consistently supported veteran causes in the UK and abroad. Some people want to trash talk about him, but how many of your own politicians are doing this amount of support? At least he put a uniform on. Granted, he only served two months in Afghanistan but compare that to our leadership or "celebrities." I know there are others out there doing good work for veterans, but the only two that come to mind are President George W. Bush and Garry Sinise. Yep, I said George W so let the poop flinging begin. Sigh.

Do I think more veterans will seek help for PTS? I don't think there will be a significant increase compared to those who are in need and are seeking help now. At least not the ones who could use the assistance. I think a fair amount of people without PTS are working the system right now and it will have repercussions for those who do need it. I've discussed this with several USAF instructors who consistently report trainees claiming PTS before they ever reach their unit in order to get a discharge and even a rating. The pendulum always goes from one side to the other. I am holding my breath and waiting for the pubic and/or government push back on a number of veteran issues.
Sgt Joe LaBranche
Sgt Joe LaBranche
>1 y
You can say all you want about President Bush, but he was loved by veterans because of his respect and honor for the work they do. He was a true Commander in Chief
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SFC Jeffrey Couch
Can I wage this question can you definitely separate the difference without being bias ? Just a thought to think about
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PO1 John Miller
Sgt Joe LaBranche
I really don't give a shit WHAT Harry wants!
SFC Jeffrey Couch
SFC Jeffrey Couch
>1 y
PO1 John Miller - no disrespect I did not assume anything I simply ask what you were doing to help your crew with these types of issues my motive to anwsering your question was prince Harry is doing this as a good gesture for soldiers all over not just the royal family if you have issues with the royal family then maybe you might talk to your senior rator and see if their might be underlying issues relating to yourself the last I checked out of my tours in IRAQ the British military fought beside us not against us maybe I misunderstood your question but good signs of leadership is never assume but ask your chain of command good luck in your career
PO1 John Miller
PO1 John Miller
>1 y
SFC Jeffrey Couch
Good luck in yours as well. But what I do about PTSD is between myself and my Brothers and Sisters.
SFC Jeffrey Couch
SFC Jeffrey Couch
>1 y
PO1 John Miller I am retired as of November 25th 2012 25 years service by your own words in your last comment you would not consider me a brother that statement Kinda makes me want to think of your process of leadership as well as your commitment to other branches of the service again maybe I'm old and just misunderstood
PO1 John Miller
PO1 John Miller
>1 y
SFC Jeffrey Couch
I'm sorry you misunderstood my statement. Of course I consider you a Brother. You served our country honorably, you're my Brother.
What I meant by my words was, my Brothers and Sisters that I network with about their (and my own) PTSD.

Congrats on retirement. I retired 5 days after you, 30NOV2012.
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