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Responses: 6
TSgt Kenneth Ellis
Gays can't prove they were born that way. 100 % true.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
TSgt Kenneth Ellis - Sergeant; Equally there is no proof that "left-handers" were "born that way" either and the occurrence rates are roughly the same.
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Cpl Mark McMiller
I don't think it matters if people are born gay. What matters is that no one can control who they are attracted to? After all, if people could choose who they were attracted to, why would anyone choose to be gay?
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
Cpl Mark McMiller - Corporal; You ask "why would anyone chose to be gay?" and that is a VERY good question.

I've met SOME males who I would prefer to partner with than SOME of the females that I have met - but that doesn't actually answer your question since I'm still in the "Majority Preference for Females" category, does it?

Possibly if society could get over the "Having SEX is the SAME THING as having a LOVING relationship" mantra we might be able to answer your question.

Heck getting over that mantra MIGHT require EVEN MORE of a redefinition of "Marriage" than we had to go through over "Same Sex Marriage" since it could well involve various numbers of male partners and various numbers of female partners with each fulfilling some roles/needs for some (but not necessarily all) of the others.
Cpl Mark McMiller
Cpl Mark McMiller
>1 y
COL Ted Mc - I guess the point I'm trying to make is that, with the way most of the world doesn't like gays and treats them badly, I can't imagine anyone would chose to be gay if they had the choice. I used to think being gay was a choice until a gay person pointed this out to me, and it was a epiphany for me.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
Cpl Mark McMiller - Corporal; "... most of the world doesn't like gays ..." is a bit overly broad since the "choice" would be made within the context of a particluar culture (if there was a choice being made [and I agree with you that there isn't]).

One of my Sergeants was once quite worried about the fact that he had "cold cocked" that gay person who had grabbed his butt in a "gay bar" (he hadn't been aware of the fact that he was in a "gay bar") and he was absolutely floored when the person at the next table turned to him and said "That's OK. I'd have done the same thing. It was just RUDE for him to do that.".
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Sgt Christopher Lowry
Yes, I suppose that admitting that (as most reasonable people have already realized) a lifestyle that causes people be ostracized, subjected to violence, discrimination and derision, "probably" isn't a choice might cost him the Republican vote. The G.O.P. Has never been too comfortable with accepting well established facts.
Sgt Christopher Lowry
Sgt Christopher Lowry
>1 y
I'm curious; when exactly did any of you make the choice to be straight? I've always been attracted to women. I don't recall having a choice in the matter. Why on earth would it be any different for a homosexual?
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