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Responses: 3
CPT Joseph K Murdock
He should be found, detained, and tried as a spy. His agenda has dire consequences.
Duane Weimerskirch
Duane Weimerskirch
>1 y
i believe he gave information that we were entitled to know anyhow. the only reason it is an issue is because the government is butt hurt that the information is out.
CPT Joseph K Murdock
CPT Joseph K Murdock
>1 y
PO2 Robert Aitchison - The whole world and the US public.
CPT Joseph K Murdock
CPT Joseph K Murdock
>1 y
Duane Weimerskirch - Enemies of America got to know as well.
Duane Weimerskirch
Duane Weimerskirch
>1 y
so what, the public know we are being spied on by our own government. they have no grounds to spy on us. the rest of the world knows we are doing it so now they can tighten up. our government is our own worst enemy in my own opinion.
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Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Encryption = Arms.

I'm sure most people think of Encryption as a "Privacy" tool (4a). I view it as Weaponry (2a), and the Government has been attempting to Disarm us for decades...

We should make an active and concerted effort to prevent that.

We are in both a figurative and a literal Arms Race against our own Government so they cannot occupy our own dwellings (3a). The demand to have a "backdoor" into personal communications devices (1a) which have the capability to hold more raw information than our homes itself up until the year 2000.... I think the Citizen needs to win this battle.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
>1 y
COL Ted Mc - One of my vendors was recently attacked with a piece of "ransomware" (virus which does essentially what you describe). It completely disabled them from 30 days.

Presidential Candidate J. McAffey (L) is running on a platform of Cybersecurity.

The US Power infrastructure is essentially 3 regions (E, W, Texas), and "if" knocked out, we enter the stone age in 2 weeks.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS - Sergeant; Given a simultaneous enough strike at any ONE of those regions, then the other two are almost inevitably going to cascade into a crash.

Cut eleven land crossings and New Yorkers will start starving around Day Three.

Turn all the traffic lights green in the middle of rush hour and you will have traffic jams that will take days to clear.
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS
>1 y
COL Ted Mc - Very aware, sir. Cyber is a huge (potential) threat. So is the ability to Assemble. So is Speech.

Back in 2000, the "Internet" for the US was basically located in a closet in the DC area. in 2015, there is 1 intercontinental (if I remember correctly) wire that connects Australia to the rest of the world.

There's always going to be threats. Those don't justify widespread loss of freedoms.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
Sgt Aaron Kennedy, MS - Sergeant; No one ever "won freedom" by cringing, snivelling, and taking no risks.

The image above, historically inaccurate and mythologized as it is, can easily be interpreted to mean that you have to stand UP for your rights, you have to DEFEND your rights, and you have to RISK yourself to maintain your rights.

Am I aware of risks in life? Damn right I am. Am I AFRAID of those risks? Not a chance. Do I try to take precautions to MINIMIZE the risks? Damn rights I do. Will I go down fighting if need be? Most reluctantly, but I'd much prefer to have "the other guy" go down while fleeing in panic and terror from the conflagration which he started.

Does that mean that I have to defend even those whom I might find philosophically/politically/morally offensive? Of course it does. If it didn't then I wouldn't be any different than the dictator who rules through terror.
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CPT Signal Officer
Edited >1 y ago
Would it be fair to say that maybe, in Obamas words, we fetishize absolute privacy from the government?

The government always had the ability, with a warrant, to search seize or tap our communications... Until recently.

Short of an NWO conspiracy, I think sometimes we overestimate our importance to the government. Unless you are a bad actor. I'm interested to know of any publicized case of any citizens who have been illegally spied on and had actions taken against them.
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
CPT (Join to see) - Captain; Does the name "J. Edgar Hoover" ring a bell?
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