Posted on Apr 23, 2016
New Bill Would Retire Military Dogs With Their Handlers
Edited >1 y ago
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 31
That's not the real problem... The Army needs
To stop treating service dogs like property... That's the problem...
To stop treating service dogs like property... That's the problem...
Seldom does a military topic take me completely by surprise. I had no idea that we treated service animals as "equipment" to be abandoned in place. Why is this even up for debate? The POTUS should sign an Executive Order tonight protecting these brave "veterans" by ensuring that they return with there units after there tour of duty is complete. If remaining with there handler is not a viable option then I'm sure adoption to a loving family, or a second career with the TSA, Local police, or some other form of first responders, who would love and care for these sensitive animals would be easy to arrange. This post really hit a nerve because one of the most popular dogs used is the German Shepard. I have had the honor of owning German Shepard's most of my life, and know for a fact that they are intelligent sensitive animals who form ironclad bonds with their owners (Handlers). Leaving them to "fend for themselves" is one of the worst things you could do to a Shepard, I have heard of cases less drastic where the dog literally died of a broken heart, because of abandonment. As I type this post my current German Shepard of 10 years, Eva, is lying next to my desk. She does not much care where I go as long as she can lay by my side. Although she is not a veteran, she has more courage, honor, and sense of duty than a lot of humans I know, and anybody in Congress I have heard of lately. COL Mikel J. Burroughs,if you could sir, pass the word about several sites that support these brave animals,,, or I plan on personally following-up with my Texas Congressional lawmakers (They always love hearing from me!) to help make sure this one does not fall through the cracks.
US War Dog Association | National Headquarters
US War Dog Association | National Headquarters
Capt Seid Waddell
I had heard that they were put down when their handler was reassigned, and that it was extremely difficult for their handlers to gain ownership of them. That sounds like an atrocity to me - like leaving soldiers behind.
SSG William Jones
MAJ Raymond Haynes COL Mikel J. Burroughs I believe that dogs have done more for the human race with the possible exception of horses, than any other animal on the face of the Earth. They deserve better treatment from the military.
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