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Responses: 2
Capt Walter Miller
I am having trouble following the campaign any more because whenever she comes on I have to mute my TV.

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LT Damage Control Assistant
I understand the gist of your three "Rules," but I do think articles like this from the Christian Science Monitor are useful to cut through and dispense of the breathless "THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!!!" day-to-day hysteria of the 24-hour news networks.

The manufactured drama over the Democratic primary in particular is a joke since Hillary Clinton's >200 pledged delegate lead at this point is basically insurmountable. She's had this nomination in the bag for over a month now.

New York is somewhat more interesting for the Republicans since it did mathematically eliminate Ted Cruz from becoming the nominee on the first ballot, though...
COL Ted Mc
COL Ted Mc
>1 y
LT (Join to see) - Lieutenant; The fun that the media has with "momentum" is always amusing to watch.

If there are four primaries and one candidate wins only one of them (but picks up 100 delegates more than the other in it) and the other candidate wins three of them (but picks up a total of 10 delegates more than the other in them) then the media is likely to say that the candidate who suffered a net loss of 90 delegates has "momentum".
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