Posted on Apr 21, 2016
Military widows will lose thousands without action from Congress
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 5
Hopefully Congress will help close the gap in the legislation which allowed widows to be thrown under the bus so to speak Sgt Joe LaBranche
So many cut backs...if anything cut backs should be in other areas...there should not be anything cut back from anyone who has served and or their families like in the situation of "WIDOWS." It's bad enough that in a few years there will be no retirement and service people will have to contribute to their own retirement...thanks to obama...who tires to convince everyone he's for the military and is not taking anything away from veterans...on the contrary he states he's doing more for the military and veterans than ever. yeah, right.
SrA Roy Cooper
Ok, I'm going to point something out. First off, I'm no fan of what ANY of our Politicians have done in Washington DC for about the last 4 or 5 Presidential Administrations NOT terms.
That being said, I get tired of hearing people blame the President of the United States for all the problems in America. The problems in America are the Citizens of the United States of America's fault. Here's why, first, most of the young adults and the ones in my age range (45-50). Either they did not take or pay attention in Political Science Class. Because if they had, they would have learned this. A Bill goes through the House of Representatives, after going through several committees. Where some things get cut out, and others get add. Basically, it's how a Veteran's Bill that would add a billion dollars to help Veterans, Military Widows and Children. Gets cut down to millions for them, millions for new roads in Texas & California, millions for testing ice in Alaska, things like that. Basically it's a case of I'll pass your bill if you'll pass mine. Anyway, finally the House of Representatives gets it, and passes it. Then it goes to the Senate. Where it goes through the same process again. Only this time it's the Senators turn. Once they are done hacking and adding, they send it before the Senate for vote. If it passes. It goes back to the House for a final vote. If they give it a final vote without any changes. Then it goes to the President. Where he can either sign it into law or VETO it. Now if he Vetoes a bill, (and here is where everyone fails to remember political science class), Congress can allow the veto to stand, re-work the bill and send it back, or by a majority vote OVERRIDE the Presidential Veto and it would still become Law.
Now the reason I said it was the Citizens of America's problem. Look at how many Representatives and Senators up in Washington DC have been up there for more than 8, 16, 24, 32, or almost 40 years. And still nothing has changed. Most have been through both Democrat and Republican Presidents. It's past time for us to have the American Party. A party that cares about All. I hear all the time on the tv from the rich how they don't want to give their hard earned money to the poor. Well, for starters, most of them saying, wouldn't know what hard work was if it walked up a kicked them in the butt. Most of them are busy sending jobs out of the country. If they kept jobs here, it would give the poor somewhere to work. I believe in equal taxation, so they need to quit trying to hide their money and be willing to pay their share. Remember they got rich off the backs of the middle class, lower class and the poor. I know the lower class is suppose to be the poor, but I think that has changed.
I believe Congress should quit the habit of piggybacking bills/laws.
That being said, I get tired of hearing people blame the President of the United States for all the problems in America. The problems in America are the Citizens of the United States of America's fault. Here's why, first, most of the young adults and the ones in my age range (45-50). Either they did not take or pay attention in Political Science Class. Because if they had, they would have learned this. A Bill goes through the House of Representatives, after going through several committees. Where some things get cut out, and others get add. Basically, it's how a Veteran's Bill that would add a billion dollars to help Veterans, Military Widows and Children. Gets cut down to millions for them, millions for new roads in Texas & California, millions for testing ice in Alaska, things like that. Basically it's a case of I'll pass your bill if you'll pass mine. Anyway, finally the House of Representatives gets it, and passes it. Then it goes to the Senate. Where it goes through the same process again. Only this time it's the Senators turn. Once they are done hacking and adding, they send it before the Senate for vote. If it passes. It goes back to the House for a final vote. If they give it a final vote without any changes. Then it goes to the President. Where he can either sign it into law or VETO it. Now if he Vetoes a bill, (and here is where everyone fails to remember political science class), Congress can allow the veto to stand, re-work the bill and send it back, or by a majority vote OVERRIDE the Presidential Veto and it would still become Law.
Now the reason I said it was the Citizens of America's problem. Look at how many Representatives and Senators up in Washington DC have been up there for more than 8, 16, 24, 32, or almost 40 years. And still nothing has changed. Most have been through both Democrat and Republican Presidents. It's past time for us to have the American Party. A party that cares about All. I hear all the time on the tv from the rich how they don't want to give their hard earned money to the poor. Well, for starters, most of them saying, wouldn't know what hard work was if it walked up a kicked them in the butt. Most of them are busy sending jobs out of the country. If they kept jobs here, it would give the poor somewhere to work. I believe in equal taxation, so they need to quit trying to hide their money and be willing to pay their share. Remember they got rich off the backs of the middle class, lower class and the poor. I know the lower class is suppose to be the poor, but I think that has changed.
I believe Congress should quit the habit of piggybacking bills/laws.
SSG James Arlington
SrA Roy Cooper - right on. Didn't anyone pay attention to that cartoon of how a bill becomes a law? It's like those who feel the Bern thinking he'll make things happen just because he's potus, or The Donald for that matter. Of couse The Donald will just fire Congress when they don't put his bill on his desk to sign.
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