Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 5
2015 tax receipts were the highest ever recorded and the deficit was $438B. At the current run rate, the 2016 budget will close in on $1T. And she wants more? BTW, most of the taxes were from individuals. Say again what Hill and Bill's effective tax was, not to mention the tax free status of the CFI. It is understandable, since someone has to pay the freight for all the illegals and refugees soon to become Democrat voters.
CW4 Guy Butler
36% for 2015, about $10 million federal taxes paid.
Clinton put out 8 years of tax returns last July.
Clinton put out 8 years of tax returns last July.
When I hear people say the "rich" don't pay their fair share, I just shake my head. This chart from the Wall Street Journal shows how the percentages of income taxes paid were distributed last year. The top 20% wage earners (over $134,400 per year) pay 83% of the income taxes! The bottom 40% of the wage earners GET PAID BY THE GOVERNMENT and pay NOTHING! The "Middle Class" pay just 19% of the total taxes.
PO2 Todd Voge
CW4 Guy Butler - I agree that this is a success indicator. I"m simply replying to those that say the rich aren't paying their fair share. That is an incorrect statement. In our "progressive" tax system, they pay the most of anyone. And because I'm working 3 jobs and have worked to better myself overall, I'm fast approaching that top 20% and am tired of carrying the load for the bottom 40% that I end up subsidizing. The only way people will start to understand is if everyone starts to pay something to the government rather than being subsidized. One of these days, the government is going to run out of people to tax. Then what will they do?
CW4 Guy Butler
PO2 Todd Voge Which brings up problem 2: if you want that 40% to pay to the government, you're going to have to raise taxes - because the current tax code says they don't have to pay any income tax.
CW4 Guy Butler
PO2 Todd Voge Even Cruz (the only one proposing a flat tax) carves out exemptions for low income:
Why? Because the people at the bottom of the food chain have enough problems with their standard of living.
Why? Because the people at the bottom of the food chain have enough problems with their standard of living.

The Simple Flat Tax Plan Summary | Cruz for President
The Simple Flat Tax Plan Summary “Imagine 4.9 million new jobs. Instead of Obama’s income stagnation, imagine average wages rising 12.2 percent over the next decade. Capital investment rising 43.9 percent. And every income-level seeing double-digit increases in after-tax income. Imagine exports and manufacturing jobs booming. Our trade deficit falling as the tax bias against American made goods is eliminated. …
There are things that government should be doing in the name of promoting the common welfare that it is not yet doing. I've looked at all the proposed tax increases Clinton has mentioned and I don't have an issue with any of them. I'm not a fan of Clinton, however I agree that we should be addressing these important issues and that we also need to pay for them.
MCPO Roger Collins
Sure right after we reduce the waste reported by, GAO-15-404SP. Get rid of unnecessary redundant programs.
SSG (Join to see)
CPT Jack Durish - Good luck with that, what I find frivolous is likely not what you find frivolous, even if we agree that something is frivolous it's not likely we could change it because some entity with more political power than we can muster is protecting it.
CPT Jack Durish
SSG (Join to see) - My test is very simple. Look at the name of the program or the agency and see if you can find those words in the Constitution. Not there? Frivolous
SSG (Join to see)
CPT Jack Durish - Sounds like a fast track to Somalia status to me. Retired working class Americans unable to afford medical care or food... service sector workers living in abject poverty... riots in the streets. Small communities of wealthy people behind walls with their own police and firefighters. Most of the country an environmental disaster...
Not interested.
Not interested.
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