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Responses: 10
CPO Frank Coluccio
In a day and age where reliable contraceptive measures are plentiful, inexpensive and sometimes FREE, why is the abortion (murder) rate still going up?
IMO, it is because, as a society, we are holding people less and less responsible for their actions.
CPO Frank Coluccio
CPO Frank Coluccio
>1 y
Oh, and YES, I support abortion in three cases;
1. Rape
2. Incest
3. When it has been determined by competent medical authority, that to carry the pregnancy to full term would pose a grave threat to the life of the mother, baby, or both.
Other than those three...
SFC William Farrell
SFC William Farrell
>1 y
CPO Frank Coluccio - Agreed Master!
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CSM Michael Chavaree
Pretty simple really, he is talking about IF it becomes law, violation of that law should receive a punishment, that is how laws work. I fail to see the issue... Everybody is entitled to an opinion, even Donald Trump.
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Cpl Jeff N.
I guess if abortion became illegal AND depending on how the law was written AND someone participated in it and they were apprehended doing so, what should we do? We say we are a nation of laws and the rule of law need to be followed. Do we enforce some laws and not others? How is that equal protection under the law?

I don't see how it could be remotely considered inflammatory or controversial that he said if someone broke a law (forget that it is an abortion law for a minute) they could be/should be prosecuted. Doesn't that happen every day in this country? Am I missing something?

Right now we are caught up in a whoopla over a reporter who had her arm grabbed and she has filed a complaint and an arrest was made (or he turned himself in) over the arm grab. Will he be convicted of a crime? Up to the judge (and jury if it gets that far). Everyone is in an uproar over an arm being grabbed but can walk right past a million+ abortions a year.
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