Posted on Mar 29, 2016
When did McConnell say he wanted to make Obama a ‘one-term president’?
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 2
Nobody threw a stone. The system functions as it was designed. The founding fathers created a system of checks and balances that protects us from the populist passions of the moment. Without a clear mandate we sit still and stew in our own juices. Does anyone believe that there is a clear mandate from the voters on what direction this country should move? We are a divided country, divided over many issues. So the pot simmers. Eventually something will rise to the top and the one issue voters will create a temporary mandate. The pendulum swings, on and on ad nauseum. Or a charismatic leader arises and present a unifying vision for America that creates a several year renaissance. Eventually that comes apart intentionally, so that we do not end up with a monarchy.
As was said before, nobody threw a stone. This is par for Congress regardless of who the POTUS is. This happened to Bush as well.
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