Posted on Mar 23, 2016
New York prosecutor won't seek prison for Peter Liang, former police officer convicted in killing...
Edited 9 y ago
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 2
There was a lot more to this incident than this article and the defense attorney mentions. I don't have it in front of me now, but it included things like the officers had been directed not to enter those building at all; the guy killed was just walking up the stairs carrying groceries to his apartment; the officer had no reason to have his gun out or fire; and after they saw he shot the guy, the cops refused to answer calls from police dispatch for 10-15 minutes and instead got on the phone to the police union about covering their asses instead of calling an ambulance for the guy. The jury found him guilty; he should be punished. BLM didn't influence the jury or the outcome. Their movement is about getting officers who do negligent shit like this held accountable.
I suspect if anyone on this board, of any color, had a loved one killed by a cop who was told to stay out of the building, drew his weapon for no reason, and then claim to "accidently" fire his weapon, and then called his union instead of an ambulance that they wouldn't just say "oh, it was an honest mistake".
And one of the issues with cops behaving badly is that the prosecuters who have to make the decisions about recommended punishments are the same ones who work with the cops everyday. That's why nationwide it has been extremely rare in the past for cops to get charged at all, much less get found guilty. There is little accountablilty for police who act negligently or criminally. Just think of all the recent cases where multiple police give sworn statements claiming one version of events, and then the video comes out showing they were all lying to cover each others back. Those are the types of issues BLM is brining attention to.
I suspect if anyone on this board, of any color, had a loved one killed by a cop who was told to stay out of the building, drew his weapon for no reason, and then claim to "accidently" fire his weapon, and then called his union instead of an ambulance that they wouldn't just say "oh, it was an honest mistake".
And one of the issues with cops behaving badly is that the prosecuters who have to make the decisions about recommended punishments are the same ones who work with the cops everyday. That's why nationwide it has been extremely rare in the past for cops to get charged at all, much less get found guilty. There is little accountablilty for police who act negligently or criminally. Just think of all the recent cases where multiple police give sworn statements claiming one version of events, and then the video comes out showing they were all lying to cover each others back. Those are the types of issues BLM is brining attention to.
PO2 Mark Saffell
LTC (Join to see) While I will agree with you about the case and that SOME people from BLM are in fact doing as you say but to be honest with you there have been so many claiming in the name of BLM that have called for the killing of any cop simply because he is a cop and have in some cases even include calls to kill there families that there movement to many people has degraded to nothing more than a gang similar to the KKK and Black Panthers. The fact that BLM do speak out against those that call for the killing of police officers makes them guilty by association. Hey I just used a liberal political point...There play book says if the entire GOP doesn't condemn every act that someone does that the GOP must be in bed with them. Now I get to say since every DEM out there that doesn't condemn BLM including the President must agree with the call to murder cops...WOW I see how the left does this now.

Suspended Profile
I could go either way honestly, but I support the ultimate decision for no jail time. Gone should be the days for crucifying officers for honest mistakes. Anything to shut those BLM terrorists up.
SSG (Join to see)
Capt Gregory Prickett - Thank you, thank you, a thousand times thank you. You get it.
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