Posted on Mar 23, 2016
6 Military Stereotypes That Are Just Plain Wrong
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 4
My husband and I are both the same branch and we definitely deal with stereotypes. Everything from we are married for the benefits to I as the lower ranking person and doing it for a privilege. We have been together for 10 years. It can be very frustrating!
I just hate being Stereotyped period regardless of if it is because I am a military member or a Texan. When I first joined automatically it was assumed that I had boots and a cowgirl hat. Of course I had my Texas twang a little and I still say "y'all" like it is proper English, but to be honest I didn't get my first pair of boots til I was in California (same with the cowgirl hat). Yes, I am a member of the United States Armed Forces, but so what? It was a decision based on my life needs at the time and has nothing to do with who I am inside. Has it changed me and made me a better person? I like to think it has. But I have seen others that it has done nothing to or worse-made them a horrible person. Stereotypes are made by ignorant people who don't know any better or who choose not to know better. They should take the time to get educated first before making general assumptions and group stereotypes.
PO3 Steven Sherrill
TSgt Melissa Post I would argue that the decision to join is all about who you are inside. You are someone who regardless of your reasons for joining, said that you were willing to bet your life that it was worth it in defense of this nation. It is a very small percentage of the United States Population who accepts that deal.
TSgt Melissa Post
I meant it wasn't my "last resort" or "I just love war". who I am inside didn't determine my choice to join. After all we all have different reasons to join. We can't be all grouped into one lump. That is like saying they all joined for the college or for the duty to country. While that may be true for some it isn't for others.
Some truth to this article... Not so much though.. I joined because I wanted too ! Thanks PO3 Steven Sherrill
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