Responses: 21
The media, like always, exaggerate everything and are a bunch of lying bastards!
Capt (Join to see)
Oh? Who checks or balances the media? The FCC? Would be equal to the fox in the hen house?
I personally find the whole situation disgusting, contrived and disterbing. I have been doing some research and now realize that we all have to "take a knee" or "time out". I did, spent some time on the pistol range and came up with the follow:
First in foremost, we have some groups out there trying to stifle free speech with "PC rules" that change with the wind and with counter protests disrupting sanctioned events. Some of the protesters are paid professional deadbeat-protesters funded by George Siros and his cronies., Black Lives Matter and several others are just fronts to help split this country apart. At the same time we have political candidates taking extreme positions on issues because they need to clearly define and differentiate themselves from the others; all the while knowing full and well the solutions may lie in the middle ground. "We The People" have to get smart and not buy into this political theater we are being fed. Look to your left and right and you should see a human American Citizen who has the same rights, benefits and civil responsibilities as you do.
Second, while there are many "whites" supporting Trump, the dirty little secret is there are a lot of minorities who support him as well. The Media is playing us for ratings and money....remember....if it bleeds it leads. Unless you are plugged into every possible news outlet, web page, and social media platform (all of which is exhausting) you will never get the whole truth and nothing by the truth. How you get and filter the new says as much about you as the opinions you express. My point here is that be careful on how you process the information you get and respect the other person who's frame of reference is different than yours. We need to look beyond the stereotypes and generalities and realize we all bleed and die as Americans.
Finally, this is all politics at its base but the both the left and right Americans feel they have been disenfranchised and disrespected by the Political Class in Washington DC. And that includes both parties (GOP & DNC) and the career bureaucrats of the Federal Government. You can also lump into the mix a Media which has much to gain with the status quo. We need to take back our country and our government.
AND at its crux that is why Trump and Sanders are getting the hype and "oxygen stealing" press they are getting. They want outsiders because the insiders have proven to be corrupt. That is why the issues are getting muddy and the rhetoric is getting putrid and offensive. The "spin doctors" are twisting things in the Media so fast you and I can not keep up with what is true and a lie....forcing us to fall back on our own preconceptions. In some ways I see America today as no different than Germany in the 1930's and I am concerned. And NO....I am not comparing any candidate to Adolf Hitler....I am just concerned we are becoming like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz....not paying attention for the man (or men) behind the curtains.
So Everyone....Take a Knee and THINK!
First in foremost, we have some groups out there trying to stifle free speech with "PC rules" that change with the wind and with counter protests disrupting sanctioned events. Some of the protesters are paid professional deadbeat-protesters funded by George Siros and his cronies., Black Lives Matter and several others are just fronts to help split this country apart. At the same time we have political candidates taking extreme positions on issues because they need to clearly define and differentiate themselves from the others; all the while knowing full and well the solutions may lie in the middle ground. "We The People" have to get smart and not buy into this political theater we are being fed. Look to your left and right and you should see a human American Citizen who has the same rights, benefits and civil responsibilities as you do.
Second, while there are many "whites" supporting Trump, the dirty little secret is there are a lot of minorities who support him as well. The Media is playing us for ratings and money....remember....if it bleeds it leads. Unless you are plugged into every possible news outlet, web page, and social media platform (all of which is exhausting) you will never get the whole truth and nothing by the truth. How you get and filter the new says as much about you as the opinions you express. My point here is that be careful on how you process the information you get and respect the other person who's frame of reference is different than yours. We need to look beyond the stereotypes and generalities and realize we all bleed and die as Americans.
Finally, this is all politics at its base but the both the left and right Americans feel they have been disenfranchised and disrespected by the Political Class in Washington DC. And that includes both parties (GOP & DNC) and the career bureaucrats of the Federal Government. You can also lump into the mix a Media which has much to gain with the status quo. We need to take back our country and our government.
AND at its crux that is why Trump and Sanders are getting the hype and "oxygen stealing" press they are getting. They want outsiders because the insiders have proven to be corrupt. That is why the issues are getting muddy and the rhetoric is getting putrid and offensive. The "spin doctors" are twisting things in the Media so fast you and I can not keep up with what is true and a lie....forcing us to fall back on our own preconceptions. In some ways I see America today as no different than Germany in the 1930's and I am concerned. And NO....I am not comparing any candidate to Adolf Hitler....I am just concerned we are becoming like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz....not paying attention for the man (or men) behind the curtains.
So Everyone....Take a Knee and THINK!
1LT A. Uribe
I totally agree with your comment. I just brought up the issue because in this day and age people get butt hurt a lot. I think that has to do with parenting in my opinion. We live in an era were everyone is entitled to a participation award, watch what you say because telling the truth can offend someone. If it bleeds it leads, in this case everyone is out to castigate Trump from his comment about Mexico not having our best interest. As an American/Mexican I can tell you this got blown up on telemundo and Univision. They only showed the part that he made such comment, but I can tell you that Mexico doesn't enforce its borders from Central Americans. These illegals are currently being admitted to the U.S. by the administration at a cost of $1,000,000.00 a day to process, educate, clothe, feed, house, provide house maid style services, transport among other services. It's unfortunate that veterans can't even receive proper healthcare appointments in a timely manner, let alone care, that's why I say "Let's make America great again."
I totally agree with your comment. I just brought up the issue because in this day and age people get butt hurt a lot. I think that has to do with parenting in my opinion. We live in an era were everyone is entitled to a participation award, watch what you say because telling the truth can offend someone. If it bleeds it leads, in this case everyone is out to castigate Trump from his comment about Mexico not having our best interest. As an American/Mexican I can tell you this got blown up on telemundo and Univision. They only showed the part that he made such comment, but I can tell you that Mexico doesn't enforce its borders from Central Americans. These illegals are currently being admitted to the U.S. by the administration at a cost of $1,000,000.00 a day to process, educate, clothe, feed, house, provide house maid style services, transport among other services. It's unfortunate that veterans can't even receive proper healthcare appointments in a timely manner, let alone care, that's why I say "Let's make America great again."

Suspended Profile
Question if I may. So it is true that Soros is funding protest if I understand correctly. Was watchingsomething about Soros being involved in polotics in Germany on PBS but did not pay that close attention to it except that he had a negative impact. My question is what are Soros's motives for being involved in USA polotics?
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