Posted on Mar 16, 2016
The Nuclear Deal Has Already Made Iran Stronger
Edited 9 y ago
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 13
COL Mikel J. Burroughs Iran’s Syrian strategy is to achieve power from geopolitical partners (factors). In Iran's view it is surrounded by hostile pro-Western nations and it needs all the allies it can find to ensure that its regional interests are protected. The U.S. played into this by backing a Shiite government in Iraq giving Iran another foot hold. For years Iran has backed Libya and President Rouhani told Italian President Sergio Mattarella, "Libya will remain in the hands of human traffickers" and that "all parties have to agree on a representative government before the international community could engage in Libya." Iran has met with Russia to establish trade ties just prior to and following the nuclear agreement. Iran also backs Assad in Syria because they have shared adversaries. *Yes Iran let Gaddafi fall. *
CPT Pedro Meza
Lets go back to 1980's Iran Contra to better understand the seeds that were planted and the unspoken alliances, back then Saddam played a key part because he kept all in check.
this is 70+ year technology, to honestly think we could keep it out of their capability is arrogance beyond reality. India and Pakistan both have the bomb and have not gotten destroyed by each other. North Korea was able to acquire it and they were so isolated before thye could not get a McDonalds Happy Meal across the Border. All three of these Nation-States have found a sense of acceptance and we have adjusted to the reality we no longer can control. Whether or not Iran develops the warhead is their call and if they do look what happened to North Korea after they did it? Meanwhile the World still spins.....................
That is not surprising COL Mikel J. Burroughs. In the future I expect Kerry may be compared with Neville Chamberlain for his role in giving Iran a pass with less strings attached.
I hope the next POTUS is much better at developing and maintaining a coherent foreign policy which actually includes a belief that American foreign policy can be used as force for good.
I hope the next POTUS is much better at developing and maintaining a coherent foreign policy which actually includes a belief that American foreign policy can be used as force for good.
CPT Jack Durish
I'm not waiting. Neville Kerry brought us "peace for our time" (so long as we submit)
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