Posted on Mar 9, 2016
What the 2016 Presidential Candidates Get Wrong About the Future of War
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 5
That's why you surround yourself with people with knowledge that you do not have.
Other than Geo Washington, Teddy Roosevelt & Eisenhower, no one comes immediately to mind, although there probably were a number of presidents who served some military time at lower ranks. Abraham Lincoln served in the Indian Wars. Being a tactical or strategic military genius doesn't necessarily make a person able to deal with personalities of foreign leaders, make deals, and navigate through very sensitive foreign policy waters. I was always impressed that Ronald Reagan, an actor, was able to go head to head with Mikhail Gorbachev and come out with a deal beneficial to both sides. Today's divisive, dysfunctional, establishment congress would have shut Reagan down and refused to ratify the treaty tho. Being able to select the right people to advise you is probably the most important aspect
CPT Jack Durish
There were many more who had military experience...
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