Posted on Feb 27, 2016
Watch: Iranian rapper celebrates nuclear power from the deck of a warship
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 7
That was pretty dope, yo.
Sorry if my lingo is out of date, I'm not sure exactly what words are in fashion right now.
Sorry if my lingo is out of date, I'm not sure exactly what words are in fashion right now.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
I concur, As someone that used to sit off their largest Port City of Bushehr I developed a Taste for Persian Music.
As a PSYOPer, I am going to say, this obviously is a high quality product. The fact that the Washington Post became a medium for delivering it is a sign of a successful information operation campaign by Iran. Nothing leaves Tehran and makes it on YouTube with Iranian Military support (watch video again). Now instead of mocking the method of delivery, we must admit that we are lagging behind in our IO, we have become too conventional for our own good. Even ISIS have been successful in IO and all we want to do is shoot them with rockets. General Odierno said it well, we must be prepared to deal with a new complex battle space. This requires change. Sadly, very few in leadership are willing to accept changes that would be appreciated in this new complex battle space. So what, the Iranians used a rapper. Have we become so conventional to realize that Hip-Hop or Rap music is a powerful tool. I think so. I smell it and feel it. Remember: Iran's media and even entertainment is a carefully calculated and deliberate campaign. The game of Chess was first promoted after the conquest by the Sassanid or neo-Persian Empire. Where do you think that was?
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
ENS Daniel Harton - Don't know if it is still the case but when I was Watching them, They were the Kings of Chewing Gum Wrapper and Paper Clip Repairs to their Weapons Systems. I suspect that those 2 P-3s that we left there in 79 are still flying.
PO1 William "Chip" Nagel
ENS Daniel Harton - I remember when they bought 10 Kilo's from the Russians when they couldn't keep the one they had running.
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