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MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
COL Mikel J. Burroughs, as a diagnosed PTSD patient, my opinion is most likely biased on this topic. However, I do think at worst, these servicemembers should have received medical discharges vs the OTH or BCD many received. Sometimes the mental wounds can be more severe and longer lasting than the physical.
SPC Douglas Bolton
SPC Douglas Bolton
8 y
MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P Very true my friend. The mental anguish is the silent killer of many of our brothers and sisters.
Jenn Moynihan
Jenn Moynihan
8 y
I agree as well. In the past 15 years there have been a lot of questionable discharges & many (as I understand from the Harvard Legal Clinic for Veterans) can be changed. As long as it was not via a court martial (understood).
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Sgt John H.
Typical governmental style bullshit. These decisions are made base on $$ and by non-combat morons. Governments sends us to fight and die and then throw us away. Congress has a platinum health plan yet they cannot manage to take care of the ones that protect them and allow them to have these benefits. Not one of my calm posts but there is something absolutely morally and ethically devoid in this. I am tired of the excuses on how the government can't afford to equip and take care of those they purposely put in harms way. How can they live with themselves with the blood of so many on their hands.
SPC Douglas Bolton
SPC Douglas Bolton
8 y
Sgt John H. So well said. Too Many veterans who deserve help are left in the dust, and we have to face the high suicide rates in the military. It has got to stop. Hopefully President Trump will follow through on getting the VA clean up.
Cpl Gabriel F.
Cpl Gabriel F.
8 y
Congress has a platinum health plan states the fact they consider themselves more important than Veterans or active military.
SSgt Clare May
SSgt Clare May
8 y
Cpl Gabriel F. - Spot on Sparky...
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Cpl Rebecca Nicholson
I believe that any individual that at one time showed stellar performance, begins displaying behavior that is drastically from their norm should have not be afraid of the stigmatization of initiating the first step - which is an evaluation, of how to deal with all of this. This unfortunately would require a huge cultural shift within the Military. Nobody wants that on their record, may interfere with promotions etc... just heartbreaking how this silence is taking its toll!
SPC Douglas Bolton
SPC Douglas Bolton
8 y
Cpl Rebecca Nicholson Couldn't agree more. People are ending their lives because of no caring from the military. Got to stop.
LCpl Hilton Hoskins
LCpl Hilton Hoskins
8 y
I agree 100% & I couldn't have said it better.
SCPO Penny Douphinett
SCPO Penny Douphinett
8 y
As you know, my son was a nuke and that fact alone kept him from medical and seeking help. I belong to a group of families who have lost their active duty/vet to suicide. The story is virtually the same for every active duty, getting help was not something they could do if they wanted to keep their career. Of course, each Command will tell you they will absolutely provide assistance to suicidal people with no repercussions, but that is bullshit! It will take a huge culture shift, but I can't imagine it happening. There has been an Admiral, a General and many, many senior officers/ senior enlisted commit suicide and the military keeps rolling on. Providing their "awareness training" and talking out the side of their mouths.
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