Posted on Feb 19, 2016
The Military Has Some Pretty Absurd Laws And Regulations
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 10
No concealed weapons in Afghanistan. When it started to change to cold weather, folks would put on jackets/parkas as they stepped out the door, concealing a shoulder holster. We were reminded that it was unlawful to have a concealed weapon on base. I thought that that was strange because the default was that everyone was armed, regardless of whether you could see it or not.
CPO (Join to see)
Yes they wanted to be able to see all weapons and make sure everyone had their primary weapon. Most guys that stayed on FOBS had shoulder or belt holsters if it was on your belt you had to be able to see with your blouse on. It is a kind of weapons accountability and personnel protection. If you had shoulder got clod just put your thigh Rig on or adjust to fit over your GORTX. The same applied over in Iraq. I just had my thigh Rig but I left the wire every day and would have my M4A1 and M9. When in camp I locked up my M4 and just had my M9. Just the opposite we carried concealed in Pakistan doing a Disaster Recovery Mission and had to go out in villages and mountains every day they did not want us to look aggressive. So all my guys had M9 they had to hide and on project site we had a tool guy that sat on toll boxes one box had M4's and short stock 16's in case they needed it and Pakistani Rangers that did security for us new it that just turned a blind eye. I think they would rather have us armed to the hill and help them if shit went down. Any way off target sorry..
SGT (Join to see)
In 1966, McNamera came to our 229th AHB, AO, on a touring visit to different branches. Our CO wanted an honor guard for him, and I was one of the guard. They issued us .45 pistols, but they were to remain unloaded. During his inspection of us and talking with us, a weapon went off "BOOM!" The SS jumped on McNamera, we all hit the deck, and the troop who's weapon fired, was still standing, wondering what just happened. Our CO , MAJ. Bruce Crandall, (of Ia Drang fame) was very embarrassed and shaken up. He had the MP's disarm him and take him away. I think he was transferred to an Infantry unit. Im not sure. I'm surprised that tid bit of history isn't written about.
SGT William Howell
When in Iraq I always carried my SIG M11 in a holster under my blouse. That way I did not have to clear it at the clearing barrel and I would not have to load my gun when one of the Iraqis decided to shoot the place up.
SSgt Kevin Moynahan
SGT William Howell - I found that different service branches had different rules for that kind of stuff. For example, in Kandahar, Afghanistan (Which is mostly Army and Air Force) we did not have to clear our weapons to enter the chow hall. However, out in Helmand province at Camp Leatherneck (Which is mostly US Marines), the line to clear your weapon was usually longer than the food line.
UCMJ - Only able to have sex in the "missionary" position. What Quaker came up with that? Curious about the year that was added.
SGT (Join to see)
I looked at UCMJ 925. Article 125, and the best I can guess at is between 2006-2009 because those years had the most questions about it as if it were a new Article. Basically it's about sodomy, SPC Michelle Nelson - Thompson.
SPC Michelle Nelson - Thompson
I first heard about it in 1988 and the origins went back much farther. It would be odd to add it after the "DADT" went into effect.
SGT (Join to see) I knew a guy last year that got demoted to PVT for Adultery, believe it or not...
SGT (Join to see)
SGT(P) (Join to see), I believe it. He should have had his ass whipped too. When I was at Ft. Campbell, there was a laundry off post, across the entrance to post. Some guy was hitting on one of the women who worked there. He hit on her every time he went. He was bragging about it on post, and it turned out to be his 1st SGT. wife. Can you say ass whipping and demotion? Lol
SGT(P) (Join to see)
SGT (Join to see) oh wow! This specific case I'm telling you doesn't include any ass whipping but it end up worst, way worst. Sorry I can't get into details publicly.
SGT (Join to see)
The wrath of a husband can be worse than a woman's, if he finds out his wife was running around on him. Oh wait! I'm assuming it was a female he committed adultery with. If it was another man, never mind. TMI
PO1 Michael Bruner
I saw so many people get busted for adultery. It was usually some PO1 on the fast track to make chief somebody wanted to screw over.
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