Posted on Feb 16, 2016
6 Classic Military Flicks To Watch On Netflix Right Now
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 3
Full Metal Jacket, Clear and Present Danger along with Black Hawk Down are the ones I've seen. I think the next one I will watch will be IB. Starship Troopers, on the fence on watching it. Never heard of Taps, but I'll give it a try. Thanks for the share and read SGT (Join to see)!
PO3 Donald Murphy
SGT (Join to see) - The ending was very sad. But the final battle was as true as it got and the Army learned volumes from that battle. From that day onwards, the Army bit off a rightful chunk of the Pacific and went on to kick as much quality ass as the Marines. They'd go on to kick ass in the Philippines and Okinawa.
SGT (Join to see)
Once an animal gets hungry, they will attack and kill anything in their way. That's what the US became and won both wars hands down. Thanks PO3 Donald Murphy.
Where Eagles Dare Trailer (HD)
Just a piece of Medal Of Honor nostalgia mostly :D, tell me what you think!
For me, it would have to be the 1968 Clint Eastwood film, "Where Eagles Dare."
Well since ya asked...
1. Zulu. All around classic film. Even without CGI and fluff, it stands up to the test of time. Only niggle? Hook's "bad boy" character was made up. Hook was actually a straight guy with excellent behavior.
2. Malta Story. This film was made when there was still a lot of WW2 surplus gear (aircraft, ships, uniforms, etc) around so the accuracy is 100% there. The minor intrusion of a love story isn't bad. It works. The struggle of the campaign is there and how it was a major roadblock to Rommel's efforts in the desert.
3. Das Boot (The Boat). Most accurate war movie ever made. All of the hallmarks of a submarine patrol and the ups and downs are there. Stunning accuracy on all levels. The ultimate in drama.
4. Flag Of Our Fathers. Incredibly accurate and a lot of background story information that the casual historian misses. The background story takes on a life of its own and you get a look at the tail end of WW2 that you perhaps hadn't considered. Brutal realism in the combat footage as well as personal interactions between cast.
5. Saving Private Ryan. Goofs and historical blunders not withstanding, it is a good slice of the European chunk of WW2 and a good change from the overly clean 60's and 70's movies. You feel scared when Tom Hank's is scared, you feel nerves when he feels nervous, etc. The combat scenes are as gritty as they get.
6. Yamato. This movie was given to me for free when I bought a model ship kit of the battleship Yamato and I thought it was a documentary. BOY WAS I WRONG. This film is a cross between Titanic and Saving Private Ryan. A lot of key questions about why the Japanese did suicide missions is brought up. The CGI is the most accurate ever rendered in my opinion. The film is not apologetic; the Japanese know they are going to die and the Americans are not demonized; merely fellow warriors. The accuracy of the uniforms and procedures is amazing. Gun captains wear white gloves, the AA guns hand-elevate. All remarkable accuracy.
Honorable mention:
7. The Great Escape Anniversary Edition. Don't watch the film! Watch the second disk with all the background information and "making of" featurettes. There is a feature on the British Secret Service and how they tracked down EVERY German Gestapo guy who killed their prisoners and brought them to justice. Cracks about Steve McQueen are there as well from cast and crew. The real tunnel digger gets an interview as well.
8. Letters From Iwo Jima. A partner piece to Flags Of Our Fathers, this one is also directed by Clint Eastwood. A little bit apologetic and like Tora Tora Tora and Midway which shared a few scenes, this one takes a few from Flags Of Our Fathers. The film is in Japanese with English subtitles.
1. Zulu. All around classic film. Even without CGI and fluff, it stands up to the test of time. Only niggle? Hook's "bad boy" character was made up. Hook was actually a straight guy with excellent behavior.
2. Malta Story. This film was made when there was still a lot of WW2 surplus gear (aircraft, ships, uniforms, etc) around so the accuracy is 100% there. The minor intrusion of a love story isn't bad. It works. The struggle of the campaign is there and how it was a major roadblock to Rommel's efforts in the desert.
3. Das Boot (The Boat). Most accurate war movie ever made. All of the hallmarks of a submarine patrol and the ups and downs are there. Stunning accuracy on all levels. The ultimate in drama.
4. Flag Of Our Fathers. Incredibly accurate and a lot of background story information that the casual historian misses. The background story takes on a life of its own and you get a look at the tail end of WW2 that you perhaps hadn't considered. Brutal realism in the combat footage as well as personal interactions between cast.
5. Saving Private Ryan. Goofs and historical blunders not withstanding, it is a good slice of the European chunk of WW2 and a good change from the overly clean 60's and 70's movies. You feel scared when Tom Hank's is scared, you feel nerves when he feels nervous, etc. The combat scenes are as gritty as they get.
6. Yamato. This movie was given to me for free when I bought a model ship kit of the battleship Yamato and I thought it was a documentary. BOY WAS I WRONG. This film is a cross between Titanic and Saving Private Ryan. A lot of key questions about why the Japanese did suicide missions is brought up. The CGI is the most accurate ever rendered in my opinion. The film is not apologetic; the Japanese know they are going to die and the Americans are not demonized; merely fellow warriors. The accuracy of the uniforms and procedures is amazing. Gun captains wear white gloves, the AA guns hand-elevate. All remarkable accuracy.
Honorable mention:
7. The Great Escape Anniversary Edition. Don't watch the film! Watch the second disk with all the background information and "making of" featurettes. There is a feature on the British Secret Service and how they tracked down EVERY German Gestapo guy who killed their prisoners and brought them to justice. Cracks about Steve McQueen are there as well from cast and crew. The real tunnel digger gets an interview as well.
8. Letters From Iwo Jima. A partner piece to Flags Of Our Fathers, this one is also directed by Clint Eastwood. A little bit apologetic and like Tora Tora Tora and Midway which shared a few scenes, this one takes a few from Flags Of Our Fathers. The film is in Japanese with English subtitles.

Directed by Jun'ya Satô. With Takashi Sorimachi, Shidô Nakamura, Yû Aoi, Takahiro Fujimoto. On April, 6th 2005, in Makurazi, Kagoshima, Makiko Uchida seeks a boat in the local fishing cooperative to take her to the latitude N30, longitude L128, where the largest, heaviest and most powerfully armed battleships ever constructed Yamato was sunk on April, 7th 1945; however, her request is denied. She meets by chance the captain Katsumi Kamio of...
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