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Responses: 10
SSG Security Specialist
SSG Diane R.
SSG Diane R.
7 y
There's a lot of truth in that meme.
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LTC Multifunctional Logistician
SSG Diane R., I agree that Mr. Mueller should not be involved in any way to this current case/investigation since he personally delivered uranium to Russia during the Obama years. He is part of the story. He is neither fair or impartial. Presidents Bush and Obama are not the benchmark for Character and Integrity. We are still in a 16 year war on two fronts which started with a fabricated story of nukes in Iraq? Move on to Obama with his illegal drone wars in Pakistan, Yemen, and Somalia. There is an old saying, There are those that can and do, and those that can't and teach. This is not character assassination. This is a a political circus with no end state. It began as a counter-intelligence investigation which now indicted 3 individuals for alleged acts years before the election which do not involve an alleged foreign country or acts during the campaign.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
7 y
"There are those that can and do, and those that can't and teach." = are you having inferiority issues today?
Susan Foster
Susan Foster
7 y
I don't know if he's fair or impartial but your "personally delivered uranium so he's part of the story" makes no sense. Wasn't even part of what he's investigating. There was nothing nefarious in the transfer of a ten-gram sample of uranium (which he did), which was done at the request of Russian law enforcement and with the consent of the government of Georgia, (and ours) whose agents had participated in its confiscation.
Alan K.
Alan K.
>1 y
Susan Foster - Much money was donated to the Clinton foundation and huge speaking fees for Bill as a result of this "little sample"....Then the company was bought through dummy corps.....
Susan Foster
Susan Foster
>1 y
Alan K. - And if and when that connection is made anywhere except our minds, they can go after them and do what they will do. I think we should bring everything out into the sunshine. All of it. Last admin, this admin, Congress, etc. I love transparency.
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LTC Kevin B.
"Attack the person"....typical tactic. Not buying it.

The guy was vetted by the Bush team, nominated by them to be the FBI Director, and was confirmed unanimously by the U.S. Senate. Unanimously. UNANIMOUSLY.

The guy was revetted by the Obama team, nominated by them to be extended as the FBI Director, and was confirmed unanimously again by the U.S. Senate. AGAIN. UNANIMOUSLY.

So, think about that. He was nominated to be the FBI Director, by both a Republican and a Democratic President, after a long and distinguished career spanning time in the military, the private sector, and the Federal sector. He has been confirmed by the U.S. Senate twice, a decade apart, and not one single Senator, in either case, ever voted against him.

This is nothing more than character assassination, and it's wrong.
Alan K.
Alan K.
>1 y
Susan Foster - Respectfully Susan, If there were evidence then there would be court date....Maybe, it is a Clinton!
Susan Foster
Susan Foster
>1 y
Alan K. - Maybe it is. And if/when there is evidence, I'm sure it will come to light. Respectfully, I think those that attack the special counsel (who everyone agrees is as bipartisan as you could get) are trying to deflect. Let's bring it all out into the sunshine, and if it is a Clinton then I say go for them. We have spent millions and millions and years investigating her. If it's a Clinton, then he can start on her again.
LTC Kevin B.
LTC Kevin B.
>1 y
Susan Foster - You are correct in that Robert Mueller is about as bipartisan (I'd prefer to use the terms "objective and unbiased") as anyone can imagine. After all, he has served in multiple positions under multiple Presidents, from both sides of the aisle. Most importantly, he has gone through the Senate confirmation process twice, and both times the vote was unanimous. UNANIMOUS. Even current outspoken Republicans (like Rob Johnson) voted for him, as well as Jeff Sessions. I think the attacks on him are openly partisan attempts to undermine the investigation (and prop up a Republican President). Let the guy do his job, and let any evidence speak for itself.
Susan Foster
Susan Foster
>1 y
LTC Kevin B. - Well said.
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