Posted on Dec 28, 2015
It’s Time We Require Women To Register For The Draft
Posted 9 y ago
Responses: 12
Why it hasn't been done already is beyond me. Surely no one is playing favorites?
Why not indeed? However, I'm not convinced that we should return to the draft. There is no foreseeable need for massed armies anytime in the near future. Why then should we spend the nation's already dwindling wealth on drafting, equipping, clothing, training, caring for a massive military force? We need small, highly trained, highly motivated, mobile forces supported by warships and warplanes as well as a military intelligence network responsive to the kinds of threats we are facing today. I see no reason to abandon the all-volunteer armed forces. Besides which, who among us would care to command the children we see crying on campuses for "safe places"? You know that they would only serve if drafted...
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
CPT Jack Durish and 'serve' would be a huge stretch. Imagine the look on a DI's face when a recruit demands a 'safe place'...
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