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Responses: 2
COL Randall C.
Edited 1 mo ago
Oh sure, NOW they do that. The couldn't have issued that directive the dozens of time I was the Battalion or Brigade SDO, could they?!

Just because it's being given over 30 years later is no excuse!

SGT James Murphy
SGT James Murphy
1 mo
Actually I think it's pretty funny. We used to sneek out in to the village in the winter time to sleep where there was more heat available. Korea Charcoal Heaters/Cookers if you're familiar. We'd pay famalies to let us just sleep with them to keep warm. The damn Tents we had never got the liners and there where supposed to be a min of two Oil stoves but a setup of three stoves is possible in those sleeping tents. We only had ONE and froze our asses off. I got frostbite on my fingers so screw that I snuck off to the village then had to sneak back before morning call. Talk about not a lot of sleep. The village was 40min one way.
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
1 mo
Have I ever mentioned Sir that nurses do not pull SDO...?
COL Randall C.
COL Randall C.
1 mo
MAJ Byron Oyler - *grumble*
MAJ Byron Oyler
MAJ Byron Oyler
1 mo
COL Randall C. - Nurse Corps is an interesting beast. Six out of seven days they want us to be the same officers as everyone else but there are some things they dont lose a license for. I would have loved 24gate duty like my LVNs had in Afghanistan, off the floor that 24hours and then off the next day. SDO would have been good to better understand my unit. I was on my 19th year when I started ILE and after one paper in using turabian I was done. APA is my professional standard and I would have hated life as an office dweller away from patient care. In the nurse corps for punishment as a major they make you do patient care and that is where I love my nursing to be.
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CPL LaForest Gray
“ So far the guidances for getting sleep are being issued on a command-by-command basis, not from any wider Department of Defense directive. ”

SOURCE : https://taskandpurpose.com/military-life/11th-air-defense-sleep-staff-duty-army/
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