Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 6
Politicians exist in there own special Universe. Hank Johnson thought Gaum would tip over and asked an Admiral about it, Another one wanted to send the Mars rover to the lunar landing sites. Absolutely insane.
As Command Duty Officer one Friday night, I was looking forward to a quiet duty night. Got a call on the radio that I needed to go to one of the berthings. All I could hear was laughing in the radio background, and more when I got closer to the berthing. When I got there, I see sailors laughing and rolling around holding their sides. Above the raucous sound of laughter, I hear a moaning. Turns out, one of our sailors was getting ready to go out on the town, and decided to iron his jeans, WHILE HE WAS WEARING THEM! Needless to say, the 2nd and 3rd degree burns he had on his legs wasn't funny.... Ahh sailors....
Is there a Patron Saint of Intelligence? Cuz these people REALLY need to start praying to that Patron.
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