Posted on Nov 6, 2015
Landlords encouraged to help end Veteran homelessness - VAntage Point
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 27
I had not heard that and on that note I wish her the best in this enterprise.
Are Vets homeless because of landlords? Have they acted criminally? Have they broken leases with Vets thus forcing them out on the streets? If so, why is the First Lady "encouraging" landlords to "do something"? Shouldn't communities be taking action against landlords? If not, what can landlords do? Give away free housing? There is a well-known story of housing that was provided for homeless veterans in Los Angeles, but the VA threw them out after they took control of the land. What can landlords do about that? The bottom line is that it seems to me that the First Lady is grandstanding. She probably feels the need when she looks about and find that she is largely reviled for her anti-American sentiments (spoken and demonstrated frequently) and her taking advantage of her husband's position to spend the public treasury on her high lifestyle.
I m a fan of her and I admire her Greatly! God Bless her for doing what she is doing! Its Much needed!
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