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Responses: 44
COL Jean (John) F. B.
CPT Ahmed Faried - Excuse me??? I have been watching Fox News all day and that story has been covered a great many times; no less than once every hour. They have also covered the breaking news about the Carson West Point issue.

Do you actually watch Fox News? If so, you know the article is not true. If not, you might want to check the facts before passing on bogus BS.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
9 y
BG David Fleming III - The problem is that news reporting should be totally balanced. They should simply report the facts.

Shows like the ones with Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Rachel Maddow, Chris Hayes, Anderson Cooper, etc., etc., are not news shows; they are commentaries. While some may purport to be news, they are not really.
BG David Fleming III
BG David Fleming III
9 y
"Should be" sounds more like "we wish", but is that the reality?
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
>1 y
PV2 Larry Sellnow That is total and complete BS, and you know it.
FOX NEWS is the mist watch news network on TV by a great margin. In fact, recent ratings showed that more people watch FOX NEWS than CNN and MSNBC combined, as well as ABC, CBS, and NBC news shows.
While they report/cover the news, they also do news commentary/opinions. They do not hide that fact, nor do they claim to be unbiased in their opinions. In addition, they always have the other side’s position preserved by hosts/co-hosts and guests on its goes, unlike CNN and MSNBC who rarely have anybody from the opposing view.
The Tucker Carlson, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, shows provide political commentary concerning the news.
CNN and MSNBC, as well as ABC, CBS and NBC. are nothing more than mouthpieces for the Democrats and their liberal agenda. They spin, cover-up, and lie in demand. They are routinely caught in misleading and outright false reporting.
If you don’t see that, you are naive, delusional, or not very smart.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
COL Jean (John) F. B.
>1 y
COL Jean (John) F. B. My comment above was meant to be a response to CPT Ahmed Faried
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MCPO Roger Collins
Just another beat up on FOX post. If only those on the left could just get rid of them, things would be so much easier for them to carry out the destructive agenda underway with this administration. They all make mistakes due to the short news cycle and the desire to be first. As asked earlier, what is a FOX Newster? How many Newsers are there on MSNBC? Probably more than viewers.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
9 y
MSNBC not nearly as prolific? Have you listened to Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow, or Chris Hayes? ??? There's a reason MSNBC's ratings are in the gutter and FOX is #1... If FOX was as bombastic as the rest of the lamestream media, FOX wouldn't be at the top.

FWIW, I watch all the media and try to pan nuggets of truth from the sewage they spew. FOX lost a lot of its credibility in the GOP Debate when Megyn Kelly tried to knock Trump out of the GOP race.

(While FOX claims to be fair and balanced, we know that isn't entirely true. FOX represents a conservative counterpoint to the rest of the lamestream media when tends to run left of center, or in MSNBC's case so far left of center that they are nothing more than a propaganda outlet for the White House approved talking points.)

FOX News' centrist Establishment GOP bias came out clearly in the debates. Their viewers were quick to remind them of that fact and Kelly, who briefly took over as the most popular anchor lost her #1 spot back to Bill O'Reilly. Overall, I'm not sure if they have fully recovered from that fiasco. Many of their viewers lean right of center and were thoroughly disgusted by the panels' performance, and even moreso at the thought that FOX tried to manipulate their views, which is quite hypocritical for a News organization whose catch phrases are, "We Report; You Decide," "Fair and Balanced," and "The Spin Stops Here." We'll see how FOX does in the next GOP debate when their Business Network hosts it with the Wall Street News. I suspect they will have good ratings as most viewers will come back to see if they learned anything from the first debate. If it turns into another event whose purpose is to try and knock Trump and now Carson out of the running, FOX will see another backlash from its viewers, far worse than the first time.
MCPO Roger Collins
MCPO Roger Collins
9 y
Capt Jeff S. - One man's terrorist is another man's Freedom Fighter. The good CPT sees the Freedom Fighter aspect of MSNBC.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
9 y
The fact that Carson and Trump are so popular with GOP voters is a wake up call for those in the GOP. Conservative voters are dissatisfied with the Establishment GOP because it pretends to be conservative but is in bed with Democrats nearly every time it comes time to vote on issues that are important... hence the term RINO (Republican In Name Only). Their support for outsiders is a rejection of the GOP's leadership, which a good many Conservatives have lost confidence in.

Not to worry, if you are a Liberal, it's worse. You have to pick between a lying, unethical and corrupt politician under investigation for her incompetent handling of classified material as well as her incompetence in providing security for our Ambassador in Libya, AND a Socialist whose political philosophy is at odds with both common sense and our Constitution.

Pocahontas (Elizabeth Warren) could have been a contender but decided to stay out of the running. I guess it beats having to reignite the scrutiny she would receive over her false claim to be American Indian, which she used to her benefit... And besides, who wants to follow Obama and have to deal with the mess he's leaving when he gets out of office?!! The nation can't afford Obamacare and we are going to be dealing with a $20 trillion national debt which surpasses both our annual GDP ($17.3 trillion) and GNP (est. $18 trillion).
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
9 y
MSNBC is an unabashed unapologetic presenter of Progressive Propaganda -- kind of like the adulterous women that eats and wipes her mouth and says, "I've done nothing wrong." (Proverbs 30:20)

Progressivism is just Socialism by another name. Can anyone be a Socialist Freedom Fighter? Kind of an oxymoron isn't it?
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Capt Jeff S.
Garbage! You should spend as much time investigating the propaganda put out by the other media outlets... like MSNBC for starters. How much do you get paid to troll this trash?
Sgt Jay Jones
Sgt Jay Jones
9 y
Capt Jeff S. - I vote two. It doesn't matter how any of us vote. History will be the deterring factor on President Obama. Remember President Lincoln was hated by many until his assasination. He is now revered by many as one of our greatest Presidents. Time will judge President Obama. I do believe in my heart that he is an trying his best to meet all of his campaign promises and that he is a true Patriot. His administration has had less scandals than many of his predecessors. I believe he is a good family man whose family has not brought shame to this country, the White House or his Presidency. I know there are many that will not agree with me. I'm not trying to debate each of my points, again I will let history do that.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
9 y
If it doesn't matter how any of us vote, then why do we have elections? Do you know something the rest of us don't? Is Hillary going to be our next President? The last vetted and duly elected President we had was G.W. Bush. The only way Hillary could get elected President is by massive election fraud -- same way Obama got 'elected' but then election fraud has become SOP for Democrats. You don't see the GOP trying to shoot down Voter ID.

History will be the deterring factor? As in deterring the truth? Or did you mean determining factor? History doesn't determine a person's legacy; history only remembers what it was -- unless of course you want to invent history... like Obama invented his past.

Mark my words, when the truth eventually gets out, the Obama Administration will be remembered harshly. Obama is so narcissistic, he envisioned himself peer to the likes of Abe Lincoln and JFK, and any talk of putting that traitor's face on Mount Rushmore is going to land on deaf ears. When the truth eventually comes out, he will go down in history as one of the all-time worst in U.S. history. Nixon, who was almost impeached, will be thought of more highly. Obama is a sociopath, race-baiter, and compulsive liar. Nothing about him is real, including his Christianity. He is and always has been toxic for this nation.

Under his divisive leadership our country has become more polarized, laws are being selectively enforced or not enforced at all, our police are being targeted, our borders have been opened, and we are importing other nations' problems. What's up with that?

What kind of Commander in Chief shrinks our military in the middle of a war on terror, props up radical Islamist rebel groups, supports a terrorist connected Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt, gets our Libyan Ambassador killed, trades five Taliban leaders for a POS Army deserter, knowingly drops arms off where they know ISIS will get it, AND THEN releases five GTMO detainees right after an attack on Paris?!!! If I didn't know better I'd think he was trying to set the world on fire!

What does it take for reality to sink in? Your children at an event that got hit by a terrorist bomb (like Geraldo Rivera's)??? This country needs a REAL leader... someone with a real background, whose integrity and loyalty to our Constitution are unquestionable and not subject to scrutiny. We don't even know WHO Obama is! But we can all see what he does. Trees are known by the fruit they bear. Obama will be remembered for the disaster called Obamacare, for his contribution to the National Debt (surpassing all Presidents before him), and for his treasonous actions committed while usurping the Office of the POTUS.
Sgt Jay Jones
Sgt Jay Jones
9 y
Capt Jeff Schwager I guess we have to agree to disagree. Still waiting on my Salmon dinner.
Capt Jeff S.
Capt Jeff S.
9 y
I can't possibly see what you find untrue about any of that. People simply refuse to believe what doesn't fit their preconceived notions. As for the salmon dinner, it's in SC. You have to come to get it.
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