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Responses: 9
CPO Andy Carrillo, MS
"September was Chicago's deadliest month since 2002, with 60 homicides. Through Sept. 27, homicides and shooting incidents had risen 21 percent from the year-earlier period, Police Department numbers show. Most of the City Council's black aldermen last week called for Emanuel to fire police Superintendent Garry McCarthy, but the mayor said he supports his top cop.
On Monday, the mayor said a group of beat officers told him recently that they have begun to hesitate before stopping people on the street for fear they could get in trouble.
"Officers themselves are telling me about how the news over the last 15 months impacted their instincts: Do they stop or do they keep driving?" Emanuel said at an unrelated news conference. "When I stop here, is it going to be my career on the line? And that's an honest conversation. And all of us who want officers to be proactive, to be able to do community policing in a proactive way, have to encourage them, so it's not their job on the line or that judgment call all the time that if they stop, this could be a career-ender." Indeed, why bother risking anything? Fetal pays just as much...
Capt Seid Waddell
Capt Seid Waddell
9 y
The invariable result of irrational liberal policies is to destroy those they seek to help.

This is a typical case in point; the liberals attack the police for enforcing the law in the minority communities and the police pull back leaving the criminal element in charge - and this is reflected in the murder rates in those communities.
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CWO4 Gerald Schotz
What ever happened to "The buck stops here"?
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SGT Indirect Fire Infantryman (Mortarman)
Police is an easy scape goat for the mayor, police only enforce the laws that city past. Problem is economical where most neighborhoods don't have economical investment or any good transportation infrastructure to get people moving around. Emanuel spends most of the money on downtown and on his campaign supporters who donated money to him. Any ways I don't see any thing improving as long as the trend of jobs leaving over seas
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