Posted on Nov 1, 2014
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
Mexican flag

You just can't make this stuff up. After watching the story, what is your reaction? Again like the former Marine who gets banned from his daughter's High School, we seem to be seeing a very aggressive attitude against American Exceptionalism and this is supported by President Obama.

What are your feelings about this and what would be your response?
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Responses: 149
CMSgt James Nolan
Whichever school administrator that came up with that should be fired. The children who refused should be hailed as young American heroes.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
10 y
CMSgt James Nolan Thanks brother! Nice to have you here.
SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
SGM (Join to see)
10 y
Most nations fall from within long before the walls are breached, for by then there is no one left who cares enough or is able to defend the fortress. If we continue on this trend, someday, a crazy radical group will come across our border and seek out the people who influence others; those ultra liberal school administrators, teachers, and politicians. When it happens, those poor souls might actually see the light of their own folly for a brief second before the light of their own life is extinguished. It will be like a scene in Dr. Zhivago, when the Bolsheviks barge into a group of people having dinner, an officer stands up to protest, and before he can open his mouth he is shot dead. Most nations fall from within long before the walls are breached for by then there is no one left to defend the fortress.
SPC Thomas Lema
SPC Thomas Lema
10 y
in the good Lords name no way in hell should they speak one word of another countries pledge period nothing more to say
MSgt Mike Haynes
MSgt Mike Haynes
10 y
I would be more than willing to go to this teacher's school and give a good dose of attitude adjustment
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MAJ Robert (Bob) Petrarca
Teachers can't even force students to recite our own pledge but they can fail someone for not reciting another country's pledge whether its part of school work or not??? WTF??
MSgt James Trent
MSgt James Trent
10 y
The reason it is as high as it is is because this was a poll. Polls don't require you to show you are a legal citizen. They probably polled a lot of illegals too who of course gave him the thumbs up. Now if they were to poll just the people who could legally vote it would have been much lower.
SGT Steve Vincent
SGT Steve Vincent
10 y
It is a SPANISH class, not a Mexican heritage class. Considering that Spanish isn't even the indigenous language of Mexico, as it wasn't introduced until the 16th century, by Spanish colonists. They made it be the language used in their government. Technically speaking, Spanish is what happened to Mexico when they were conquered by Spain. Why in the hell would anybody be okay with some teacher making her students stand up and pledge their allegiance to a foreign power? Oh, right, they also find nothing wrong with making students take courses on how wonderful the "religion" of Islam is, and make them pray towards Mecca and write papers about glorious jihad. And then they go and kick kids out, or force them to change their clothes, when they show up wearing American flag t-shirts, because they might offend the Hispanic students. Well, I was offended when all those Hispanic students in California lowered the American flag in front of their school, and ran it back up the pole upside down with a Mexican flag above it. Every single one of them should have been expelled immediately, and most of them probably should have been deported. Just like all of the illegals who somehow managed to vote in Oregon on Tuesday, trying to ensure that they would still be able to get drivers licenses. Quit the PC bulls**t, and secure our borders! Kick out all of the invaders who are here illegally, and start teaching things like ethics, critical thinking, and American history and values in schools again!
SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
SGM (Join to see)
10 y
Maj Petrarca--agree with the spirit. Thank you for not spelling out words of emphasis in keeping with our high standards of decorum. I only wish our countrymen engaged in such extreme measures had any clue of decorum. Confuses the heck out of students and publics. One wonders why we reward such behaviors with a job. Any other country and they'd be shunned after being fired.
SPC Leisel Luman
SPC Leisel Luman
10 y
PRIVATE SCHOOL! I would write more but only swear words come to mind. While in college there were barely any flags on campus. The one small on in one of my classes was rolled up. Every day I went in early and unrolled the flag and confronted the teacher who stared at me blankly.
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Cpl Glynis Sakowicz
It never fails to amaze me.... I mean, if a person illegally tries to live in Mexico, its a prison term... not jail, and a lawyer, then deportation... I mean a long, hard prison term. You cannot own property, you cannot work, and G-d help you if you break their laws while there on a visit even.
That said, now you might begin to understand just a tiny bit of my feelings when I hear this. You want to say the Mexican pledge, go to Mexico, this is America, we say OUR pledge.
I was raised to be proud of who and what I am, and in this day and age, I often wonder if I should appologize to whatever hyphenated American is around me, when the National Anthem is sung, and frankly I'm a little tired and confused by it all. When did America, the great melting pot of all peoples, become the land of "You get here, you change us to suit you"?
I suppose I am just getting too old for this, because I still remember a country that was proud of itself, and delighted to welcome others who wanted to be a part of our country... Instead, we've become a place where immigrants come, settle among themselves, and demand we obey the laws that made them run from their own countries in the first place.... WTF????
If it comes to pass that Texas walks away from America, I will pack my muscle rub, my old UD's, combat boots, and take my place among them, because I am old enough to recall a country that was proud of itself, and the new beginnings it fostered, and I want that for my grandson.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
10 y
Cpl Glynis Sakowicz I very much agree with that because this is not oppression as it is one of respect for our country. Why is that liberals have this overarching need to be contrary and acting better us?
SGM Senior Adviser, National Communications
SGM (Join to see)
10 y
SSgt Olson--to some people, negative attention is still attention so they act out. Many were sad souls in childhood, who, for whatever reason, were never fully accepted by their peers. So this is a form of Revenge of the Geeks. Only real Geeks are smarter than that.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
10 y
They diminish others by limiting freedom and the very party talks the talk do not walk the walk. They are abusive with PC lingo and arrogant.
SSgt Forensic Meteorological Consultant
SSgt (Join to see)
10 y
SGM (Join to see) - I know a very talented race car driver who has no throttle and always controversial and that was long before he got a race program on the Howard Stern Show. He was a great friend who I got articles written in the Tampa Tribune and (2) 30,000 dollar sponsors from Burger King. One time I was dating a gorgeous blonde girl and he asked me "who's this fine ass b...." Needless to say she was ill about that and not towards me. This guy in the Outlaws !% MC and had a rough life. I helped him because of his talent and a daughter that died around 13 years old but still looked like a toddler. And when you got to know him, he is really a nice guy overall. But ol' Geno craved attention even if it was negative. I could call him tomorrow to have my back covered and he would do it. Already has at the track. lol
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