Posted on Dec 20, 2018
SPC Cannon Crew Member
I'm an cannon crewmember in the KY Army National Guard. I got a year left in college, and then I intend to apply for federal OCS. I also hope to switch to the Armor branch. I know you don't always get the MOS you want in OCS. I considered transferring to active duty, then request Armor AIT, and then get a couple more years of experience as an enlisted man before OCS. What are my best options? Transfer to active as an enlisted-man first and reclass to armor, or go ahead and apply for federal OCS, and hope I do well enough for the MOS I want?
Edited 6 y ago
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Responses: 8
CPT Cadre
If you get to go to Federal OCS as a member of the Guard then your branch is already determined by your state and you can only enter into a branch that your state has (Officers don’t have MOS’s, it’s called a branch). For example a buddy of mine is in the NH Guard and is a logistician. He came to Federal OCS already knowing his branch because it was assigned to him at his state. So you can’t enter into a branch that your state doesn’t have a unit for. So one way to go about becoming an Armor Officer is to transition into active duty then apply for OCS. There is no real reason to go to Armor AIT first, it won’t necessarily help you. Another option is to transfer to a state that has Armor officers and then apply for OCS, but be aware that at the State level the chances of getting Federal OCS are very slim, it is very competitive. The only other option I can think of is to finish your contract with the Guard and then go through the process of requesting OCS through an Active Duty recruiter. If you need more info or have more questions shoot me a PM, I’m Cadre at 3-11 IN which is OCS.
SFC Bradley Quinn
SFC Bradley Quinn
5 y
Cpt Sleight, is this true if he's applying for Federal OCS to go on Active Duty? I thought that process was a bit different.
CPT Cadre
CPT (Join to see)
5 y
SFC Bradley Quinn I believe so because he’s not currently an active duty Soldier. I will be honest I don’t know specifically how a NG Soldier can make the transition to Active Duty without talking to a Active Duty recruiter. I know that either way his state will have to release him from his contract, if he hasn’t completed his initial term, in order for him to move to the Active Duty side of the house. I just know how the AD and NG OCS process work and are different. I would have to talk to a career counselor to find out exactly what steps he would have to take.
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Capt Gregory Prickett
If you want to be an officer, the sooner you start, the better.
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1LT Production Management Specialist
I am a Armor Officer at the Armor Basic Officer Leadership Course. If I was in your shoes in would stay guard, pick Armor as your branch/branches, and then go from there. You can delay your commission for 2 years to hold out for the branch you want. Once you graduate ABOLC you can do the Call to Active Duty (CAD) and go active. That is what I am currently doing to do as well.
SPC Cannon Crew Member
SPC (Join to see)
>1 y
My state doesn't have armor. God knows why.
1LT Production Management Specialist
1LT (Join to see)
>1 y
SPC (Join to see) then go active to go to Federal OCS and then roll the dice to get armor.
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