Posted on Sep 4, 2014
What determining factors make a "special duty" assignment a special duty?
What Factors Are Taken Into Consideration In Deciding Whether Or Not A Non Afsc Specific Job In The Air Force Is To Be Considered A "Special Duty"? In Other Words, What Makes A "Special Duty" A Special Duty?
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 2
I think they consider any long term assignment that is outside the scope of your normal AFSC duties. Like MTI, recruiter etc. For the officers/pilots we have Staff tours, or flying at undergraduate pilot training or flying the white jets. Once upon a time RPA's were considered a special flying duty. That changed in the two years I was doing it and became a primary AFSC.
I see you are at El forko Grande'. I was stationed there when it was the 319th Air Refueling Wing . Whats it like being there now? Is the base finally getting a mission, since takers departed the fix? I have been curious what the base even does now other than support Cavalier Air Station.
I see you are at El forko Grande'. I was stationed there when it was the 319th Air Refueling Wing . Whats it like being there now? Is the base finally getting a mission, since takers departed the fix? I have been curious what the base even does now other than support Cavalier Air Station.
This article states: Military training instructors fill special duty positions, along with recruiters, honor guradsmen and several other career fields. For more information about developmental special duties, refer to PSDM 13-62 and the revised SPECAT

New changes to the special duty program
Additional changes to the Air Force special duty program will require Airmen to be nominated and vetted through an approval process that began Oct. 1. The changes to the program allow leadership and commanders to nominate their top performing Airmen for positions such as military tra
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