Posted on Feb 21, 2015
Warrant Officer Flight Packet: Feedback on resume summary
I am currently putting together my packet. I keep hearing and reading that the resume summary should be two paragraphs and really needs to be your reason to what makes you a good choice for being selected. I have been working on mine for a bit and would like some feedback. This is just the rough draft.
There isn’t anything else in this world I’d rather be than a Rotary wing aviator. My passion to fly and gain knowledge on high performance aircraft is immense. My extremely valuable work ethic and devotion to help others is why I know that I am a prime choice for a Rotary wing aviator.
There are many potential candidates that apply for Army aviator, but few have what it really takes. I have what it takes. I bring to the table my bag of skills that most people don’t have. I am able to work in a team environment using my intelligent people skills and I have the mental capacity to stay patient during stressful times to work to a solution. I carry a calm and collective approach to situations gathering the facts before acting upon them. As I was a husky operator the ability to have monumental attention to detail was natural to me. Since numerous lives rested in my hands I had to be quick in my decisions and speculations to spot the slightest differences in the world in front of my vehicle. I had to perform many things simultaneously in very little time. I had to read computers, control the performance of my vehicle, scan the route ahead for discrepancies or threats, watch my rake behind me for any threats I may have uncovered or dug up, report to my platoon sergeant via radio, and assess potential hazards for the following convoy. With these qualities that I possess I know I can bring them to the warrant officer aviation field to greatly benefit the community of aviators.
I am also hoping to submit my packet by the deadline of 13 March for the May board. I take my AFCT on the 26th of FEB to raise my GT. I also take the SIFT on the 5th. I am worried that should I succeed in achieving passing scores on both tests that if I submit my packet at the last second would it benefit me more to wait until the 15 May deadline for the July board or try to get it in asap?
There isn’t anything else in this world I’d rather be than a Rotary wing aviator. My passion to fly and gain knowledge on high performance aircraft is immense. My extremely valuable work ethic and devotion to help others is why I know that I am a prime choice for a Rotary wing aviator.
There are many potential candidates that apply for Army aviator, but few have what it really takes. I have what it takes. I bring to the table my bag of skills that most people don’t have. I am able to work in a team environment using my intelligent people skills and I have the mental capacity to stay patient during stressful times to work to a solution. I carry a calm and collective approach to situations gathering the facts before acting upon them. As I was a husky operator the ability to have monumental attention to detail was natural to me. Since numerous lives rested in my hands I had to be quick in my decisions and speculations to spot the slightest differences in the world in front of my vehicle. I had to perform many things simultaneously in very little time. I had to read computers, control the performance of my vehicle, scan the route ahead for discrepancies or threats, watch my rake behind me for any threats I may have uncovered or dug up, report to my platoon sergeant via radio, and assess potential hazards for the following convoy. With these qualities that I possess I know I can bring them to the warrant officer aviation field to greatly benefit the community of aviators.
I am also hoping to submit my packet by the deadline of 13 March for the May board. I take my AFCT on the 26th of FEB to raise my GT. I also take the SIFT on the 5th. I am worried that should I succeed in achieving passing scores on both tests that if I submit my packet at the last second would it benefit me more to wait until the 15 May deadline for the July board or try to get it in asap?
Posted 10 y ago
Responses: 2
I am sure that CW5 Sam R. Baker would be a good resource for this question.
You can also try to connect with other 153A Warrants through here:
You can also try to connect with other 153A Warrants through here:
I am going though a similar process and am currently re-writing my summary based on input from a WO in my branch that I met here on RP. I will look through your writing more carefully, but I think there are a couple of areas you can improve, based on input I received on my own. Give me a day or two.
Warrant Officer packets are not to be rushed. Part of the weeding out process is determining who takes the time to really double check their work and put in the most "spit and polished" packet. Unless you have everything and I mean EVERYTHING else high and tight by the time you get your scores back on the tests, I would consider waiting until the July board. There is nothing worse then trying to squeeze into the tail end of a deadline...something always gets missed.
Warrant Officer packets are not to be rushed. Part of the weeding out process is determining who takes the time to really double check their work and put in the most "spit and polished" packet. Unless you have everything and I mean EVERYTHING else high and tight by the time you get your scores back on the tests, I would consider waiting until the July board. There is nothing worse then trying to squeeze into the tail end of a deadline...something always gets missed.
SSG (Join to see)
thank you for your insight. What snags along the way have you encountered with your packet so far? I.E. for me the DA FORM 61 Block 21 b. doesn't allow me to enter my high school name. I have tried the Army pubs page and then other problems arise such as not enough space for address lines. I don't know if I am just not using it right or the formats for the various viewers are different.
SGT(P) (Join to see)
SSG (Join to see) - I know I'm digging this post up and I'm not sure if you still need the information but the warrant officer sight has a lot of updated forms now such as the DA 61, 160R, and etc.
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