Posted on Dec 6, 2019
SGT Infantryman
I submitted my warrant officer application packet to the November board and was a fully qualified non-select. What are my chances of being picked up next round go? I’ll also have to now get a wavier for the 12 month time in service due to my ets being Nov 2020.
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CW2 Student
There’s a host of reasons why you weren’t selected. One being, not everyone is selected on their first look. I have almost every school a infantryman can have, completed all my
Key development time required of my rank and I wasn’t selected first look. I shortened my resume summary and added some things in my duty descriptions. I was selected next look. You have another shot. Tighten up what you can before the deadline for submissions. Good luck
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MAJ Javier Rivera
First, look on what is within your control to lake your packet more competitive: APFT, LORs, etc... then go for it!
SGT Infantryman
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Rgr that sir, thank you.
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SFC Retention Operations Nco
There is no waiver for Time in Service, you simply extend. Or don't extend and once you are selected you have to extend to your graduation of WOCS. But, if you think you have a good shot at getting selected, you should reenlist for the max bonus and once you are selected you don't owe anything.
As for being more competitive, you might want to retake your SIFT for a better score.
SFC Retention Operations Nco
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WO1 John C. - I didn't know that part about not being able to retake the SIFT, that's good information for when I am briefing my Soldiers.
As for the SRR, an SRR is generated once the SM is accepted. SM's don't have to meet the 12 months to apply, it would be super messed up for the Army to make someone extend just to apply to anything. Of course, common sense tells us that their ETS date must go through the board date because they can't be considered after ETS. Unfortunately, your recruiter was incorrect in this regard.
The SM should definitely extend because if they are prepping for submitting their WOCS application, they usually are not postured completely toward transitioning for ETS. Unfortunately, I see way too many Soldiers who don't completely decide to ETS until six months from ETS and that's just not enough time to do a good transition.
SFC Retention Operations Nco
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WO1 John C. it's actually a requirement in every single packet whether it's an MOS or Commissioning application. I can't tell you how many Soldiers have come to me freaking out because their application says 3 year SRR and they don't want to reenlist for 3 years only to be denied the thing they're applying for. The Army really needs to be more specific with that. I secretly believe they do it on purpose to push unsuspecting Soldiers into reenlisting.
CW2 Michael Mullikin
CW2 Michael Mullikin
>1 y
I received one of the last direct appointments to WO1. A few days after I was sworn in I received a call from my branch detailer at MILPERCEN, who said he had a great deal for me! He said that even though I had received a direct appointment and been sworn in he thought he could still get me into the next WOC course at Ft Rucker. The next thing he said was "Mr Mullikin, STOP LAUGHING! I'm making a serous offer here! Mr Mullikin, I'd really appreciate it if you would stop laughing now!" Hmmm, never heard from that particular individual again.
CW2 Michael Mullikin
CW2 Michael Mullikin
>1 y
One of the dumber ideas I've heard lately was that warrant officers would be assigned by rank: W1,2 company grade; 3,4 Bn/Bde; W5 general staff. Reminds me of a conversation I had back in the seventies with an old style CW4; we didn't have W5's back then (not sure how we got along). I told him I'd heard some other warrants talking about rank—who gets the better assignments and who salutes who. He told me this had been going on for a long time, and as far as he was concerned rank between warrants was much like discussions about virtue among whores: an interesting philosophical subject but not v very applicable. He also firmly state that warrant officers do not salute each other.
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