Posted on Oct 8, 2020
SSG Motor Transport Operator
I’m asking because I don’t know, my own CoC doesn’t know, so I bring forth this question to the RallyPoint community. Disclaimer: if you are just going to be salty, or disrespectful because of said question being asked, then please feel free to NOT respond and take the negativity elsewhere. 2nd disclaimer: the topic I’m curious about is pertaining to today’s modern army. Something that was done in the 80s or 90s or even before that obviously doesn’t really apply to this situation. So no “back in my day” remarks.
On the question, why is it people in the orderly room or s1 lose so much paperwork or packets, and nothing seems to happen to them? No counseling, no article 15 , not even a slap on the wrist. Why is that? Is there no standard? Are they excused because they work in hq? Admin...I’ve got to know. If you lose paperwork that has someone social, dod id number etc... that’s not ok...that’s sensitive information.
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As a 1SG, one of my first actions were to assess and select the personnel who served in my orderly room and training room. These individuals must be mature, to protect PII and control rumor spreading, and must be extremely organized and process oriented to prevent delays and losses of documents. To many times, the orderly room and training room becomes a dumping ground for Soldiers who can’t cut it in the line platoons; that should not be the case. I also, personally, counseled these individuals on their roles and expectations. And when they lose documents, we review the process and find the deficiencies, and yes, they get counseled with a plan of action to correct the behavior. In normal situations, admin actions such as Article 15s, bars to continued service, or relief for causes are not necessary for the deficiencies of orderly room and training room personnel — unless the actions are intentional (which unfortunately does happen for time to time if the wrong individuals are in there). Hope this helps.

If I didn’t hit the point, let me know.
1SG Rick Seekman
1SG Rick Seekman
4 y
MSgt Steven Holt, NRP, CCEMT-P
I really can't comment on the discipline options for clerks losing/misplacing paperwork. I would imagine that should be something the local commander and/or CSM/1SG should be handling.

I will say this though from personal experience... it was AMAZING how paperwork suddenly stopped getting lost or misdirected when I started requiring them to sign hand receipts for all documents submitted.
SMSgt Bob W.
SMSgt Bob W.
4 y
Trust, but verify.
SSG Brian Wilber
SSG Brian Wilber
>1 y
I had to resort to the same thing as company Legal NCO turning things like Field Grade Art. 15's in to battalion S1 only for them to lose it. I learned to do everything in triplicate. One copy to submit, one for the file, and one to replace the one they'd invariably lose. It was still tiresome to have to get everything together to re-submit. I went to the CSM, and his solution was exactly what you suggest. Make them sign for it. I also got together with the S1 NCOIC and came up with a chain of custody log. Whenever anyone laid hands on any paperwork, it had to be logged out and logged back in when they were done with it. Nothing ever go lost again, at least not my legal paperwork.
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MSG Student
Any type of action taken would be at the discretion of the commander, so youll need evidence. Use a DA 200 to prove that paperwork was turned in and who accepted it. Something to consider though, your S1 shop is 4-5 people handling paperwork for anywhere from 500-800 people. Stuff gets lost.
CPT Company Commander
CPT (Join to see)
4 y
Absolutely agreed here. Nothing will happen without proper paperwork, and a DA 200 proves that the paperwork changed hands
SMSgt Bob W.
SMSgt Bob W.
4 y
Stuff getting lost on a routine basics is not excuse. Management should be held accountable and misplacements minimized. Tracking sheets on certain documents is a must in any military organization.
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