Posted on Jun 2, 2014
What is the optimal # of "testees" in an APFT line?
When administering an APFT, what is the optimal # of testees in a line (for push-ups and sit-ups), and why - explain your rationale.
Posted >1 y ago
Responses: 10
CSM Maynard,
Two times the number of males in line. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
I think eight is optimal. Ten is too many because you'll be bumping up against the 2-hour time limit, depending on how slow the instruction-reader reads and demonstrates.
Fewer than eight means less time to relax and hydrate between events.
Two times the number of males in line. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)
I think eight is optimal. Ten is too many because you'll be bumping up against the 2-hour time limit, depending on how slow the instruction-reader reads and demonstrates.
Fewer than eight means less time to relax and hydrate between events.
1SG (Join to see)
SPC Thundercloud, you have to take into account collateral damage from IED strikes!! I knew a guy that lost one due that very scenario!
I have to admit though, that was the best response I have seen all day and it did make me laugh! For that I thank you.
I have to admit though, that was the best response I have seen all day and it did make me laugh! For that I thank you.
CSM Mike Maynard
Well, well, well - yep, you all got me on that one. No double meaning intended, but....................
CSM, the FM states it should be a 1:8 ratio for graders. Anything over 1:11 would surpass the maximum 20 minute rest period for certain Soldiers.
While it isn't always feasible I believe 1:6 is ideal because it allows for immediate transition between events. When number six finishes push-ups number one has had a ten minute break and can begin sit-ups.
While it isn't always feasible I believe 1:6 is ideal because it allows for immediate transition between events. When number six finishes push-ups number one has had a ten minute break and can begin sit-ups.
SGT (Join to see)
A-34 says, "One event scorer for every eight Soldiers being tested." You can Ctrl-F for that or, better yet, read FM 7-22.
A-34 says, "One event scorer for every eight Soldiers being tested." You can Ctrl-F for that or, better yet, read FM 7-22.
Here is what FM 7-22 says
A-34. The following personnel are recommended for administration of the APFT:
OIC and/or NCOIC.
Event supervisor.
One event scorer for every eight Soldiers being tested.
Timer and back-up timer.
Required support personnel.
A-34. The following personnel are recommended for administration of the APFT:
OIC and/or NCOIC.
Event supervisor.
One event scorer for every eight Soldiers being tested.
Timer and back-up timer.
Required support personnel.
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