Recent Activity -
Entered Ft Benning 1982 11B PFC
A Co 1/22 Inf Ft Carson 82-83 CPL
B CO/HHC 1/6 Inf Illesheim, Germany. 83-86 SGT
Army National Guard, Utah, Idaho, Guam, Alaska 87-98, SSH
Army Reserve Recruiter, Alaska, 1999-2002, SVC
Retired 2002, Airborne, Infantry, Medic, Recruiter.
A Co 1/22 Inf Ft Carson 82-83 CPL
B CO/HHC 1/6 Inf Illesheim, Germany. 83-86 SGT
Army National Guard, Utah, Idaho, Guam, Alaska 87-98, SSH
Army Reserve Recruiter, Alaska, 1999-2002, SVC
Retired 2002, Airborne, Infantry, Medic, Recruiter.
Military Experiences
Nov 1996 - Jun 1999
Squad Leader
Squad Leader and Assistant Detachment NCOIC for up to 25 Eskimo Scouts MOS 11B in Alaska Army NG.
Sep 1991 - Jun 1993
Squad Leader
Squad Leader & Assistant Platoon Sergeant for up to 25 Combat Engineer soldiers MOS 12B.
Jul 1989 - Sep 1991
Squad Leader
Supervised and trained up to 10 Infantrymen E-1 through E-4 as an E-5 and later E-6 Squad Leader.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Jan 1988 - Aug 1988
Basic Medic School, Camp Williams, UT
Foreign Language Skills
German (3+/3+)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees