63% Complete
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Influence Score: 3,188
14,126 out of 868,048 Veterans
14,126 out of 868,048 Veterans
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I joined the Air Force out of High School in Feb 1970. After basic and tech school I was stationed at McChord AFB WA. The place was so Mickey Mouse I volunteered for anywhere, to include Vietnam to get out of there. That didn't work so I joined the Mobility team and was deployed worldwide until Dec 291973 at which point I was released from active duty on Palace Chase. I transferred to the reserves, 11th MASS at McChord, The 11the MASS became the 52nd APS. I became a Recruiter until my release in Feb 1976. Had a break until 1987 when I rejoined the 52nd APS, which was deactivated after Desert Storm, I moved to the 36 APS, where I remained until being accepted to an AGR position as NCOIC at the TPC, Dobbins Air Reserve Base GA from 29 June 2005 until retirement 29 July 2011
Military Experiences
Jul 2005 - Jul 2011
AGR position at the Transportation Proficiency Center. Training Prior service personnel to become 2T2 qualified. Also became Motorcycle Safety Foundation certified Rider Coach. Instructing Basic Motorcycle and Experienced Motorcycle Safety training for all branches and civilian DOD employees. Fron 2006 - 2013
Feb 1970 - Jul 2011
World Wide
I deployed in support of every Operation and Exercise from Vietnam 1970 to Iraqi Freedom 2005, with exception of Operation Restore Hope in Somalia and the period of time between 1976 and 1986 when I was out of service