SGT Barbara Wilkinson Fletcher

SGT Barbara Wilkinson Fletcher

Dates of Service: no date specified
40% Complete
4 Contacts
Influence Score: 549
66,285 out of 865,819 Veterans
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  • PVT
  • PV2 83
  • PFC 84
  • SPC 84
  • CPL 90
  • SGT 91

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68G (Formerly 71G) Patient Administration Specialist. Served from 1983 to 1996. Graduated 1st in my class in AIT at Fort Sam Houston. Attended 7th Army NCO Academy at Bad Tolz, Germany where I was the recipient of the General Bruce Clark Military Leadership Award. Attended BNCOC iat Fort Sam Houston, Texas in 1992. Other names served under: Thomas, Strader, Prior and Ralston. Unlucky at love, LOL! I'm a natve Californian. I joined the Army relatively late; celebrating my 23rd birthday in Basic Training at Fort Jackson, S.C. Since departing the miltary, I have worked as an Admissions Supervisor at a civilian hospital, and used my GI bill to get a couple of degrees. I now work in the museum field, beginning at the Illinois National Guard and Militia Military Museum before moving on to the Quincy Museum where I am Executive Director.

Military Experiences

Jun 1993 - Jan 1996
PAD (Patient Administration) NCO
NCOIC Outpatient Medical Records Branch for Womack, AMC. Responsible for over 150,000 outpatient medical records. Supervised 20 civilian and miltary clerks in a two shift operation. Served as Patient Administration liason to all outlying troop medical clinics, where I instucted and inspected outpatient medical records. Also served as PAD representative to Transition Committee working to help design the new clinic at Smoke Bomb Hill and the new Womack AMC.
Jan 1992 - Jun 1993
PAD (Patient Administration) NCO
NCOIC of the Outpatient Medical Records branch at BACH. Responsible for app. 150,000 outpatient medical records. Supervised 15 civilian and military records clerks. Also Company level Retention NCO for BACH. Competed for and won USAMEDCOM Retention NCO of the year 1992. While at Fort Campbell, i attended BNCOC at Fort Sam Houston, Texas in November 1992.
Jun 1988 - Dec 1991
PAD (Patient Administration) Clerk
Outpatient Medical Records Clerk for health clinic. Also served as detachment NBC NCO, Training NCO, Weight Control Program NCO, Ambulance Driver, Drug Control Program NCO and "other duties as assigned". Assisted in mobilizing 1st Armored Division and 11th Aviation Brigade Soldiers for ODS. TDY during Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm at USAEUR HQ in Heidelberg, Germany where I was part of a six person detachment performing tracking of individuals KIA/WIA in the Southwest Asian Theater.
Sep 1983 - Jun 1988
PAD (Patient Administration) Clerk
Patient Administration Specialist. Performed duties in all sections of the division. Participated in inaugural and three additional National Disaster Medical System exercises. Assigned TDY to Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, to assist in casualty identification subsequent to the 1985 Gander disaster involving 268 members of the 101st Airborne Division


(3 years, 7 months)
Jun 1988 - Dec 1991
98th General Hospital with duty at USArmy Health Clinic, Illesheim, Germant. (Storck Barracks)

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Nov 1992 - Dec 1992

Advanced Leaders Course (ALC formerly BNCOC) Phase 3

Aug 1983 - Sep 1983

Patient Administration Specialist Course

Individual & Special Skill Schools
Security Clearance

Academic Degrees

Academic Degrees

1999 - 2000

University of Illinois – Springfield

Bachelor's Degree, History/Anthropology
