SSgt Charles Franklin

SSgt Charles Franklin

Dates of Service: no date specified
40% Complete
0 Endorsements
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Influence Score: 356
107,616 out of 864,882 Veterans
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  • AB Feb 68
  • Amn Apr 68
  • A1C Oct 68
  • SrA Aug 69
  • SSgt Aug 71

Recent Activity  -

Military Experiences

May 1974 - Dec 1978
Data Processing Evaluation Tech
Conducted evaluation of AC&W radar stations across the U.S. on numerous TDY's. Made recommendations for improving operation of site computer systems as well as radar site optimization. Conducted training classes on Boolean Algebra and logic for squadron personnel. Worked with FAA and ADC to record radar data and optimize coverage, peak operation and reliability of both air traffic control and Sage systems. Assigned to mission to peak operation of 412L and German ground radar systems on TDY's to Germany.
Jul 1970 - May 1974
DataProcessing Tech
Maintained AN/FST-2B system on rotating shift, TDY to FAA Academy and Keesler AFB for AN/FYQ-47 system. Became Assistant Data Processing Supervisor. Assisted in installation of Q-47 and removal of AN/SFT-2B system. Taught PACE soldering course and conducted OJT for assigned personnel. Performed APR evaluation for assigned personnel.
Mar 1969 - Jul 1970
Data Processing Repairman
Data Processing - operate and maintained AN/FST-2B system on rotating shifts. Mail clerk and other duties as assigned.
Apr 1968 - Mar 1969
Student Leader Green/Yellow
Green Rope - Bay Chief - Responsible for assigning and maintaining student housing bay cleaning and maintenance details and inspecting daily. Yellow Rope - Floor Chief - Responsible for third floor of Dorm. Conducted meetings and details for Green Ropes assigned to my shift, Marched troops from Triangle area to base theater for Driver's training, marched squadron troops across flight line and back to attend training in Bryan Hall.

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