Recent Activity -
The tenure that I have had with the US Army has been worth the effort, for those whom have a few years in; however, do not give up and "stay out", get your 20 years and excel!!!! Do what it takes without any outside influences. If you are not happy in your current MOS, re-enlist and reclassify for what you want!!! It took me longer to achieve my 20 years due to my own stubborn self!! Army Strong!!
Military Experiences
Jan 2011 - Oct 2015
Senior Human Resources NCO (S1)
Senior HR NCO for a Detachment for the 3100th Strategic Intelligence Group that performs their mission for the DIA, I only did the HR stuff!
Jan 2004 - Jan 2009
Training NCO
Responsible for the Training Requirements of a 30 personnel AG Replacement Company, responsible for the mentoring, counseling of said Company and the ensuring that ALL training requirements were fulfilled. This includes the implantation of a proficient Online Training Tracking System to ensure that all Soldiers completed the mandatory online training that was required.
(3 years, 9 months)Jan 2009 - Dec 2010

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Military History Detachment NCOIC, responsible for a (3) Soldier Detachment, commanded by a MAJ. Conducted interviews of key staff, collected over 1TB of data for the Historians at The Center of Military History to write about in the future.
Dec 2004 - Dec 2005
CRC, Ft. Benning, GA
CRC mission Ft. Benning, GA
Dec 1990 - Jul 1991

Operation Desert Shield/Storm
Served with the 1st Infantry Division, Fort Riley, KS on Active Army status for this deployment. On this deployment, I earned my Cobat Infantry Badge (CIB)
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Mar 2014
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
Personal Information