Recent Activity -
My longest military experience is as a Healthcare Specialist Combat Medic and I learned quite a lot along the way, but when I graduated I was not given the opportunity to certify for the National Registry, and I've recently heard that new 68W medics are now required to pass National Registry. If there is anyone that can guide me in how to obtain National Registry as a civilian that would be great.
Born on 12 October, 1956 in Indianapolis, IN in my civilian career I have mostly worked as an armed security officer, both in retail and industrial clients Starting out with Thompson & Associates, and ending with Pinkerton Security as an unarmed industrial security officer.
Upon graduation from Thomas Carr Howe Academy in 1975, I started working as a busboy for Laughner's Cafeteria, and I have also worked as a Telemarketer and as a printer.
Military Experiences
Jun 1983 - Jun 2001
Healthcare Specialist
Graduated as a 91A10 from FT Sam Houston, TX in July 1984 and remained with that unit until June 2001, right through time of being moved to 38TH ID armory after 113TH MED BN was split into two elements, and HQ & A CO became CO F ( MED ) 38TH MSB. Was with the unit through stand by mobilization for Desert Storm through the end of that action in 1991. Honorably discharged in June 2001 upon ETS and not being able to satisfactorily complete APFT, due to severe injury to right leg.
Feb 1981 - Aug 1981
45D10 Field Artillery Turret Mechanic
Originally assigned to A BTRY 4TH BN 4TH FA after graduation from Field Artillery Turret Mechanic Course in July 1980, reassigned to SVC BTRY 4TH BN 4TH FA in February 1981. Remained until June 1981 and was honorably discharged from active duty with rank of PFC in June 1981 because of first reduction in forces.
Aug 1976 - Jun 1980
Utility Helicopter Mechanic
After graduation from Basic Training at FT Knox and washing out of formal school at FT Rucker, I graduated Adjutant General School at FT Benjamin Harrison IN in June 1977. I remained at Shelbyville IN going through PNCOC ( PLDC ), and graduating in February 1980. I obtained 67N20 before voluntarily going on active duty in June 1980.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
May 1983 - Jun 1983
Healthcare Specialist Combat Medic
Jul 1980 - Aug 1980
Field Artillery Turret Mechanic
Mar 1977 - Jun 1977
Adjudent General School Personnel Administrative Specialist
Personal Information