PO2 Gary Haight

PO2 Gary Haight

Dates of Service: Jul 1972 - Jul 1980
80% Complete
0 Endorsements
0 Contacts
Influence Score: 2,496
17,229 out of 864,744 Veterans
About Discussions


  • SR Jul 72
  • SA
  • SN Sep 72
  • PO3 Dec 72
  • PO2 Jul 74
  • PO1 Sep 77
  • PO2 Mar 80

Recent Activity  -


Married 1981 to the love of my life. 4 beautiful children, all married, 8 beautiful grandchildren with #s 9 & 10 on the way.

Military Experiences

Sep 1977 - Dec 1979
USS Pintado (SSN-672)
Advanced to PO1 while on leave traveling to this boat. Found out after reporting. Finally traveled to many ports to "SEE THE WORLD" as they used to say. Blue Nose on trip to North Pole, Golden Shellback and many exotic places I would not have seen otherwise.
Sep 1974 - Sep 1977
Qualified for my Dolphins on board this boat.


(3 years, 1 month)
Sep 1974 - Sep 1977
Pearl Harbor, Hi
Attached to USS Abraham Lincoln (SSBN-602 Gold Crew)

Military Credentials

Professional Development Schools

Jun 1974 - Sep 1974

Engineering Laboratory Technician School

Apr 1973 - Oct 1973

Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance

Personal Information

Current Location
Home Town
Appleton, NY
home wine making