SSG Candelario Santa Cruz

SSG Candelario Santa Cruz

Dates of Service: no date specified
22% Complete
0 Endorsements
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Influence Score: 40
283,662 out of 864,948 Veterans
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Military Experiences

Apr 1995 - Apr 1998
D Co
Squad Leader
Platoon Sergeant Hq Plt, my last 3-4 months before retiring. USMC 1977-1981, entered Army as Airborne Ranger, 2nd Ranger Bn. Combat tour with C Co. 1/5 Cav, 1st Cav Div. Mechanized Infantry from 1985-1998, Recruiter from 1992-1995 Los Ángeles, Ca. Miss all my friends, Marines, Rangers and specially all my Cav Troopers. Been living in Miami since retiring, maybe someday I’ll return to Texas. Semper Fi, Rangers Lead the Way, Black Knights!!