80% Complete
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Influence Score: 1,916
21,474 out of 868,046 Veterans
21,474 out of 868,046 Veterans
Recent Activity -
Hello, I am Will, small business owner. I work from home and support my wife in her military career. We have 5 Kids all school aged so live is nuts. I am a techie helping others develop an online presence and earn an income on the side or full time. Plus my kids are getting in to YouTubing so the work never stops. Living and helping is the key to life.
Military Experiences
Nov 2008 - Nov 2009
BSB Automotive Tech / Shop Officer
worked with Another at the time future CW5 and Had a blast there. Reset the BDE equipment and prepared the unit to deploy in 2009. I was retiring but we had lots of fun getting things in place to have the guys and gals ready to maintain 4th SBCT 2ID in Iraq.
Aug 2006 - Oct 2008
BDE Ground Mato
Was a great duty station and worked with some amazing people. Was able to learn how to be a much better Maintenance Warrant and a better person. Spent 15 months in Iraq and traveled Europe. Married my beautiful wife and had a great time there.
Jun 2003 - Aug 2006
Company Maintenance Tech
Absolutely the worst unit I Ever served with, I did make a few live long friends there and traveled to Iraq 2 from there. Had a good time traveling around Germany while I wasn't working 12 to 24hrs a day.
Jan 2000 - Jun 2003
Bn Maintenance Tech
Had lots of fun here working with a world class crew of folks. Worked with and mentored a CW5 in the making, He has done great for himself. However we spent a fair amount of time in the Rainier Trng Area and deployed to Kosovo, Egypt, Cuba and Washington DC in support of 9/11 and NATO.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Security Clearance