46% Complete
0 Endorsements
12 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,274
30,214 out of 868,083 Veterans
30,214 out of 868,083 Veterans
Recent Activity -
(1 year, 7 months)May 1975 - Apr 1976

SNCOIC of CMS and Classified Materials working directly for the G-1. 2nd half of my tour assigned as the Admin Chief for CG MCB Butler.
May 1970 - Nov 1970
22nd MEU
Admin Chief on MEU Staff working with the S-1/Adjuant of the MEU. Responsible for all personnel attached to 1st Bn, 2d Marines. The MEU was summoned to assist earthquake victims in Lima Peru, because we also had a detachment of CH 46's out of New River NC with us. Our Bn assisted in issuing supplies in Lima Peru to earthquake victims.