Recent Activity -
Retired after 30 years as an officer in the US Army with the last 14.5 years as a public affairs officer in the U.S. Army. I was the PAO for GEN Martin Dempsey at TRADOC (2009-2010), Chief of Public and Congressional Affairs for GEN Ann Dunwoody at Army Materiel Command (2011-2012), and have two tours of duty in Iraq, most recently as PAO for LTG Dubik in MNSTC-I.
Raised in Penn Yan, NY, graduated from Penn Yan Academy, earned a bachelor's degree in Bible and Theology from Baptist Bible College, Clarks Summit, PA, before enlisting in the U.S. Army. Graduated from Officer Candidate School as a 2nd Lieutenant and rose to the rank of Colonel before retiring in October 2013. Earned a master’s degree in Strategic Studies from the United States Army War College in 2009. Media Director for City of Cleveland, OH.
Raised in Penn Yan, NY, graduated from Penn Yan Academy, earned a bachelor's degree in Bible and Theology from Baptist Bible College, Clarks Summit, PA, before enlisting in the U.S. Army. Graduated from Officer Candidate School as a 2nd Lieutenant and rose to the rank of Colonel before retiring in October 2013. Earned a master’s degree in Strategic Studies from the United States Army War College in 2009. Media Director for City of Cleveland, OH.
Military Experiences
Feb 1995 - Mar 1999
Operations Officer Observer Controller
Served multiple roles as an Observer Controller: Operations Officer OC; Fire Support Team Chief OC; and Chief of Operations for all rotations at Hohenfels for Battalion and Brigade sized operations. Lead these teams as the Chief of Operations during the build-up of operations in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Operations in Kosovo.
Oct 1992 - Apr 1994
Battery Commander
Battery Commander of 105 mm Direct Support Firing Battery for 3rd BCT, the first digital brigade in the Army.
Participated in two NTC rotations. At end of my command performed 100% inventory with zero loses and everything accounted for.
Participated in two NTC rotations. At end of my command performed 100% inventory with zero loses and everything accounted for.
Feb 1991 - Oct 1992
Battalion Fire Support Officer
Fire Support Officer in support of 5-6 Infantry Regiment. Participated in two NTC rotations as the FSO for 5-6 Infantry.
Jan 1987 - May 1990
Platoon Leader
Fire Support Officer, Platoon Leader with A Battery, 2-82 FA; Special Weapons Officer, Chemical Supervisor Course; XO Service Battery 2-82 FA: held over 55 additional duties. Selected as the Best Fire Direction Team in the 3rd Armored Division Artillery, chosen as the first platoon to fire copperhead rounds in Europe.
As the Special Weapons Platoon Leader served also as the Battalion S2 (Intelligence Officer) and during the DA IG Nuclear Inspection in March 1990, attained a closed-book zero-deficiency inspection report.
As the Special Weapons Platoon Leader served also as the Battalion S2 (Intelligence Officer) and during the DA IG Nuclear Inspection in March 1990, attained a closed-book zero-deficiency inspection report.
(1 year, 8 months)Apr 2007 - May 2008

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Public Affairs Director for Multinational Security Transition Command-Iraq. Led a 10 person team of joint military and civilian public affairs professionals, one Iraqi interpreter, and three civilian trainers who assisted in training the public affairs leaders within the Ministry of Defense, Ministry of Interior, and military forces command.
Dec 2003 - May 2004

Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Media Relations Director for the CJTF-& and then Multinational Forces iraq. Responsible for 16 member international media team tracking media operation across Iraq with major areas of interest in Operation Intelligence, Logistics, Personnel, Weapons, Equipment, and Technology. Developed the communications plan for the 1st Abu Ghraib Courts Marshal.
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Oct 2011
Legislative Affairs Seminar, Georgetown University - School of Government
Jul 2008 - Jun 2009
US Army War College, Carlisle, PA
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Mar 1999
Public Affairs Qualification Course
Foreign Language Skills
German (1/1)
Security Clearance
Academic Degrees
Academic Degrees
2008 - 2009
Masters of Science - US Army War College, Carlisle, PA
1974 - 1979
Bachelor's Degree - Baptist Bible College, Clarks Summit, PA