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Influence Score: 9,788
5,843 out of 867,887 Veterans
5,843 out of 867,887 Veterans
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Started Army career in 1968 after I got my induction notice, I immediately went to the recruiter in Albany Ga and volunteered for the Signal Corps. I became an 05B10 Radio Operators Course (ROC) at Ft. Jackson SC. 12 months training at Ft. Jackson and Ft Gordon and off to Vietnam. 1st MTOE A Co, 124th Sig Bn. 4th ID at Camp Enari. I extended in Vietnam for six months for a free 30 day leave and a change of unit. I was assigned to the 275th Sig Co, 1st Sig Bde they attached me to MACV-Team 47 in An Loc (Hon Quan) from Aug 70 to Jan 71. I spent a year out of the Army in 71, Fuerth Gy W.O. Darby Kaserne '72-'75, Ft Hood Tx '75-'77, Ansbach Gy '77-'80, Ft Lewis Wa '80-'81, Bonames Gy '81-'85, Ft Riley Ks, '85-'89 and retirement. I had a terrific career in the Army as always there were ups and downs but all in all I'm a proud Retired First Sergeant. My second career was in Corrections, Texas Department of Criminal Justice - Institutional Division, Florida Department of Corrections (DOC), Polk County Sheriff's Office (Jail), and I retired from the Hardee County Sheriff's Office (Jail) with rank of Captain (Jail Administrator). Retired/Disabled since 2007. Live in north eastern Tn close to the James H. Quillen VA Hosp (the best in the world). Home in the mountains, love it and my wife. Contact me at topdrifter@gmail.com anyone that I may have come across, worked with or served under. Thank You "TopDrifter"
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Sep 1968 - Oct 1968
Radio Operators Course (Morse Code Qualified) 05B10
Jan 1969
Radio Teletype Operator (Morse Code Qualified)
Foreign Language Skills
German (1/1)
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
Top Secret/SCI or higher