Recent Activity -
Level II Geoscientist former Corps of Engineer seeks professional development in GIS. Completed Advanced (RSI)Remote System Imagery course and (GIS)Advanced Geographic Information Systems. Current goal to upgrade Geography software analysis and technical schools through Intelligence research.
Civilian Education Tutors from NASA
Electronics Academy
University of Maryland
Military Experiences
Section Sergeant
Complete deployments (CENTCOM)Central Command missions Middle East and return to Fort Bragg.
Team Leader
Deploy to Panama complete (JOTC)Jungle Operation Training Course TDY and redeploy to FT. Lewis, Washington.
US Army
Engineer attachment for United Nations Base Camps
Complete Base Camp upgrade and winter fortifications
Build infrastructures, warehouse and chapel power etc.
Repair United Nation Base Camp Skopje, Macedonia
Complete United Nations Base Camp Missions and return to duty station Germany
(2 years, 7 months)Nov 2004 - Oct 2005
Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF)
Gunner / TMT 7 NMCB 17
Convoy Escort and Navigation
Nov 1995 - Apr 1996
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Complete IFOR NATO missions Bosnia, Yugoslavia
Build and retrofit IFOR NATO Base Camps
Construction support for Base Camp, warehouse, Hospitals and bridges
Conduct Engineer recon patrol and resupply routes to base camps.
Redeploy soldiers to Germany and train for future missions
Nov 1994 - Apr 1995
Complete refurbish construction United Nation Base Camps Yugoslavia
Multinational Base camps repaired and upgraded power source
Winter deployment Macedonia, Yugoslavia required maintenance
Build Skopje, Macedonia base camp areas to include Chapel and warehouse etc.
Accomplish Engineer Support for United Nation missions and return to USAREUR
Military Credentials
Professional Development Schools
Noncommissioned Officer Academy Washington
Individual & Special Skill Schools
Equal Oppurtunity Representative Course Fort Bragg, NC.
Jungle Operation Training Center FT. Sherman, Panama
Additional Specialization(s)
Security Clearance
None / Expired