CW3 Matt K.

CW3 Matt K.

Dates of Service: Jun 1975 - Apr 1996
33% Complete
1 Endorsement
3 Contacts
Influence Score: 1,881
21,813 out of 866,662 Veterans
About Discussions


  • PVT 75
  • SGT 78
  • SFC 84
  • CW2 86
  • CW3 92

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Military Experiences

Jun 1975 - May 1996
PVT to CW3
* A-2/327th INF 101st Airborne(AirAssault) 2nd Platoon. Learned so much while in 'Fettys Squad'. "No Slack!" Re-up'd & trained as a 21L 2 RSA, AL. * A-55th Maintenance Co. (Schwabisch Gmund W. Germany) Provided DS assistance to the Pershing 1a, and then PII Missile System and equipment. WOCS, Ft. Sill, OK * C-2/9 FA (Schwabisch Gmund) Pershing Missile System Technician. Maintained the PII nuclear-capable missiles and equipment. After the INF Treaty was signed, I was retrained as a Land Combat Systems Technician. * 702nd MSB, 2ID Camp Sears in Uijongbu, S. Korea DS support to Land Combat Missiles and Systems: Dragon, TOW, MLRS, LCSS, IFTE * B-710th MSB 10th Mtn Division Fort Drum, NY DS support to Land Combat Missiles and Systems: Dragon, TOW, LCSS, IFTE