82% Complete
1 Endorsement
36 Contacts
Influence Score: 5,017
1,241 out of 87,478 E-6s
1,241 out of 87,478 E-6s
Strong work ethics, dedicated to unit success, and desire to help others. Those are the mottos I have enveloped over the years. I am on the second half of my Navy career, and the end is readily approaching. I have 12 years of Law Enforcement, Physical Security and Anti-Terrorism/ Forceprotection experience. I am now challenging myself by studing Psychology, working as a counselor.
Military Experiences
Sep 2013 - Present
Drug and Alcohol Counselor
Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Department Intern Counselor. Provide guidance, counseling and group therapy to patients who suffer from addiction.
Jul 2011 - Jun 2013
Patrol Supervisor / Operations Leading Petty Officer
Responsible for 176 security personnel conducting Patrol Operations inport and at sea. Reviewing Incident complaint reports, desk journals and all correspondence related to patrol. Assigned task force teams to conduct specific missions when at sea (i.e. High Vis. Security Details, prisoner detainee protection.) Supervises all Patrol investigations.
Jan 2005 - Mar 2008
Harbor Field Training Officer / Coxswain instructor
Responsible for the training of 20 Security force personnel in all Law Enforcement and Force Protection areas. Conducted training evolutions in class and exercise driven scenarios. Member of the Live fire training team, standing Line coach for all Live fire excersises.
Feb 2007 - Jan 2008
Compound Shift Leader
Responsible for the detainment and well being of 1000 detainnes, the management of 45 enlisted sailors and the physical security of the 25,000 sqft compound. Seach and recovery team leader for incoming attacks.